Last Tea party

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The Final tea Party.

   Well guys Im really sad my baby is ending but  I going to start the second book  today,I decided to do Ellie. I know everyone wanted me to do our lovely Noah but I’m going to do Ellie's story because I have an awesome idea. Anyway here I have with me are Vinny aka Vin looking nice in a red button up.

“Hello, vin”, I say smiling.

“Hey, what are we chopped liver”, said Avery.

“Yes, well except Eille and Noah of course”, I reply picking up a green frosted cup cake.

“Humph,”, said Blaze pouting.

“What”, I said licking my delicious cupcake.

“He’s not talking Aki because you left his story on a cliffhanger”, replied Noah.

“Oh, yeah about that…”, I said =_=

“You, know I think I like him better like this”, commented Avery as he poked Blaze in the cheek.

“I don’t know I kinda feel sorry for the poor guy at least we all got a real ending, all he got was just a flash of light and then bam the end”, said Noah clapping his hands together.

“Is, that how my story is going to end”, asked Ellie as he bite his bottom lip.

“Yeah, she is just going to end it with a flash of light you might want to let Noah take the job of the second book”, said Vin.

I sweat dropped to the floor.

“Yeah, oh did you see the comments for the last chapter people were calling it the worst cliffhanger ever not to mention the epic fight scene that was suppose to happen”, said Avery.

“Right”, said Vin talking a cupcake.

“Okay fine Pupped 2 will be better than the first since I’m a little better at writing and I won’t force myself to write a chapter this time I will update when I feel so and hah it won’t be out till summer maybe in June  26, 2015 “, so there you have it folks .

“Yes, finally”, yelled Blaze.

“Oh, lord he’s back with his I’m more superior to you  attitude  “, said  Noah.

“This time let me kick some  actually ass  and maybe  show off my powe…”

“Well this is the last tea party guys well for now anyways, by the way PREVIEW  now and then I will post the book cover and first chapter  for   book 2   i    haven't came up with a name yet I was thinking of  Invisible,  Mated  to  Who  . I have no   idea    but if you guys  think of a title please comment it  , it would  be a big help   love you guys _Aki.  Btw or a cover artist. thank you guys.

Oh fuge also if you like mmd like me look up  on youtube. :).

Bestamvsofalltime "Metamorphose" Anime MV || by Umika

Mated to A Werewolf {Boyxboy}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ