chapter 5

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Jake kept staring at me and it was kind of freaking me out like seriously what was the wolf's problem, was there something on my face. Oh crap did I have some blood on my teeth.

'So, why did you move here", asked Jake.

"Really, I asked confused.

"What", he asked frowning.

"It's just I'm a vampire and you're a werewolf aren't we suppose to be trying to tear each other apart", I replied walking away.

I heard his shoes hitting the payment ,I stopped and turned looking at him waiting for his answer.",Well", I asked.

"Um, well you look just so weak so I know you're not a threat", said Jake scratching the back of his head.

"Weak, I'm far older than you puppy and nothing about me is weak", I said clutching my stomach trying to catch my breath from laughing.

A growl filled the air as Jake glared at me. "I'm not a puppy, old man", said Jake grinning as if he won a prize.

I scowled at the wolf and then an idea struck me,"so i'm weak huh", I said grinning.

"Please, I could take you with one hand behind my back", replied Jake.

"Really, now", I asked walking around him a circle.

"Yup", said Jake popping the p.

"Is, that so", I said before jumping onto to him and in the process we landed in the grass with Jake laying down and me sitting on his lap.

He groaned making me blush whoa Vinny get it together you were just showing this wolf his place, I thought. But the more I looked at him the more I got this strange feeling in my stomach.

The sun shined on his tan warm skin, while his white tank top clung to his nice muscular body yummy I wonder how it taste. I leaned down and tasted his flesh and oh god did he taste good.

"Hey, Vin", said Jake giving me a strange look before pushing me off.

I don't know how long I sat there but it took Noah to slap me to wake me from my trance.

"Dam it, Vinnyboo what did you do to the alpha to make him look like he shit his pants", asked Noah waiting form my answer.

"Not, now Noah", I said standing brushing off my jeans.

"Whatever, you joy killer",said Noah pouting.

"Come,on we better get home before dad flips a table," and believe me he has done it before and I still question why was he one of the most feared vampires.

The walk home was quiet because I refused to speak , when our yellow house got into my vision I ran home vampire speed fuck it if the humans see. I ran through the door ignoring the calls of my name and ran into my room slamming it closed. I walked to my stereo and turned it on blasting on full volume. Why did I lick his skin, was it because I was hungry, or maybe it was ..... no I was definitely hungry but then why didn't the dog smell make me wanna vomit.

I got it i'll just avoid Jake till summer yeah that'll do.

"Vinny, turn down that got dam music off and come down here", yelled my dad


Author note- sorry I know it's short but I thought I would update at lease something for you guys since your awesome!:)

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