Chapter 6

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People around me where fighting off what seemed like vampires as fires raged around us,I stood frozen in the middle of the battle staring at the scene. Then he walked closer he wore a black trench coat with black gloves. His skin was pale but like usually I couldn't see his face or hear what he was saying.

I shockingly took a step back as he came closer. He hissed at me before lunging and as the same as always someone jumped in front of me taking the blow and then turning into ashes.

Waking up I was covered in sweat, I've been having the same dream ever since I was turnes, now the dream is getting more vivid. What really scares me is that in that dream i'm pregnant.

I turned over looking at my clock six forty, better get up. Getting up I walked out into the hallway going straight to the bathroom. Closing the door I stripped to my birthday suit and turned the knob letting hot water kiss my skin. After my shower I grabbed my red towel and went back into my bedroom. I then dried off and went into my closet today outfit was a black shirt with some graphic design with red skinny jeans and converse. I checked myself before descending down the stairs where I heard laughter.

"Vin, why are you up so early", asked Carter?

"I couldn't sleep", I said taking a seat at the table.

"Oh", said Carter.

"You, know you're pretty up early to", I said.

"Well, I also couldn't sleep", said Cater nervous.

"You, know for some reason I don't believe you", I said.

"Um, babe come back",yelled a female voice.

"Haha, I better go", said Carter rushing out of the kitchen.

Rolling my eyes I thought about last night, I never actually seen my dad so upset okay so maybe ignoring him when he called me would do it.

"Carter, oh Vinny why are you up so early usually you're the last to come down", questioned Nico as he eyed me up and down.


"Well, I couldn't care less at lease your up and ready so we can try to leave on time", said Nico going into the refrigerator.

Really, sometimes I wanna kick Nicro's ass.

"Oh, really now", said Nico smiling as his grip tightened on the refrigerator.

Dam it, did I say that out loud make up an excuse, come on brain.

"Vinnyboo, good morning, Nicro", said Noah walking into the room.

Your timing couldn't be better Noah, I thought while mentally dancing in my head.

"Come, on it's time for school", yelled Noah going to get a blood pack.

"Must, you yell", said Nico rubbing his nose.

"Serious, bro you need to chill", said Noah.

"If, I so called chilled then this family would be chaos now wouldn't it", said Nicro before he left out of the front door.

"Wow, he must be horny", said Noah throwing a pack my way.

"Really", I asked?

"What", said Noah innocently.

"Come, on lets go", I said.

"Right, so you can go see yo man", said Noah.

"Just, come on", I said.

The rest of the day was a blur well that was until lunch was where things got a little interesting, Jake had decided his friends and he would sit with Noah and I.

"Hey, Vin", said Jake as he sit down

"Hey, Jake", I said fiddling with my thumbs.

"So yesterday....

"Don't", I said embarrassed.

"You licked me", he finished.

"I-I was just helping you clean", oh what the fuck brain.

"Oh, really now",said Jake smiling.

God, could this get any worst, oops spoke too soon because the wolf had the nerve to rub my leg and boy did min Vin like that. Fuck, get it together Vin he's a werewolf.

"Hey, are you okay Vin". asked Noah.

"Yeah, Vin are you okay", asked Jake.

"Y-yeah", I said as his hand moved lower. Dam if he wanted to play like that so can I.

Grabbing Jake's hand I stopped him and froze his hands were so warm and big compared to mine.

I tried taking my hand back but he wouldn't let go so basically we were holding hands which made me my face flush. This werewolf made me so confused, we weren't suppose to be holding hands ,we were suppose to be enemies right, right.

Jake squeezed my hand before letting go leaving me cold.

"So, Vin how old are you",asked Jake.

"Didn't someone tell you its rude to ask that", I said leaning on my arm.

"Yeah, but come on I wanna know", said Jake.

"Well I'm only nine hundred years old", I said waving my hand.

"What', yelled Jake gaining everyone's attention in the cafeteria.

"Way to be quiet", I said.

"Sorry, its just your really are an old man huh", said Jake with a smirk.

"Yeah, so what puppy", I replied back.

"Touche" he said.

The lunch bell rung and we got up walking to fourth block class joking and laughing but suddenly I stopped I was suppose to ignore Jake but instead I do the complete opposite.

"Vin, you coming" asked Jake.

"Yeah", I said running to catch up.

Author note- sorry for the crappy chapter. Thank you guys for the comments there really just make my day and thanking you for voting also I apologize for taking so long to update. ps for short chapters to but I'll start trying to make them longer again. Also can you guys check out my story paper heart's if you don't mind.

Mated to A Werewolf {Boyxboy}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora