chapter :23

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  I woke up to the screeching sound of an alarm going off, the bright red lights flashed blinding my eyeballs. I sat up from the floor shielding my eyes. I tried to listen on the goons to see if they had any information on what was going on.

  The oh so familiar sound of boots hitting concrete made shivers go up my spine. I immediately backed away into my corner clenching my stomach. I worried about my child since I wasn’t getting the nutrients I needed. I whimpered when I saw a shadow approaching, I closed my eyes imagining myself embraced in Jake’s arms instead of this horrible cold place.

“Vin”, whispered the voice that I wanted to hear so badly.

“Oh, god I’m starting to hear things now”I said.

“Vin just open your eyes baby you're not hearing things”,said Jake.

I opened my eyes to see Jake there in the flesh, I stumbled onto my legs rushing to the cell door where he stood waiting for me with his arms wide open. I wrapped my arms around his neck hugging him for dear life. When we pulled away he kissed me with so much passion and love.

A cough broke up our kiss, but when I turned I saw a boy with long white hair with creepy neon green eyes. The he looked about seventeen and wore a black trench coat with black skinny jeans that had buckles on the side.

“Who..”, I asked leaning onto Jake for support.

“He’s one of your dad’s friends”, replied Jake.

“I wouldn’t say a friend I’m just returning a favor”, he said boredly.

“Okay”, I replied.

 Jake then tilted his head to the side. Before I could say anything else Jake held me in his arms and we were literally flying upstairs. “Riley, where is he”, roared Jake. I could feel the vibrations of his chest. I reached my hand up and stroked his face claiming him down.

“He escaped somehow, our werewolf's are currently outside trying to find a trace”, said Riley as he ran his fingers through his untamed hair.

“Right, well I’m sorry to hear your wolves couldn’t do their job but if we want to get rid of the curse we need to move now”, said the boy with long white hair said.

“Huh, I'm sorry to say Jake but I agree with Jared on this on”, replied my dad.

The rest I couldn’t keep track of because of me blacking out and in throughout the whole conversation.

“Just, rest”, whispered Jake so I went to sleep.

The second time I woke up I felt as if I was burning alive, I screamed loudly flinging my arms and legs but hands restrained me.


“Stop, it hurts”, I whimpered.

“Maybe, this was a bad idea”, I heard Jake say.

“It’s the baby and his only way to survival”, said Jared.

I felt myself about to black out again but I fought to stay awake. After five minutes black mist evaporated into the air from my side leaving me exhausted.

“There, its done now he just has to rest and well stick tube filled with blood so that his healing will happen faster.

My eyes fluttered closed sending me off to dreamland with not so sweet dreams. Seth ruled over my dreams with countless beating and viable abuse. It got to the point where Jake had to shake me to wake me up. He gently held me and ran his fingers through my hair making me forget about my night terrors. 

In the back of my head I knew this was just the clam before the storm, I would like to think we all knew that since Seth was still on the loss and there was no telling what we would be planing next or when would Mr. psycho from my dreams show up but for now my recovery and Jake's and my unborn child was my main focus.

Author note- late again i know sorry guys so I have an important this book will be on a mini break by mini I mean about a three week break it not to long right anyways thank you for supporting me guys. 

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