Chapter ;12

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I laid sleeping in my bed snoring lightly away well that was till someone and by someone I mean Noah pushed me off of the bed making me land onto the cold wooden floor with a thump.

"Ouch", I cried.

"Come on, Vinnyboo its time to wake up we have school remember", he said coolly.

I pouted and got off the floor skipping to my closest. Pulling out a black shirt and a pair of skinny jeans. I smiled and threw off my night shirt slipping on the black shirt and jeans. Sure I looked pain but I care less my mind was on one person only Jake. It seemed he was all I could this of these days.

I grabbed my Vans, cramming my feet into them. I then ran downstairs passing Crater in a rush almost knocking him flat onto his ass. I opened the refrigerator grabbing a pack of blood type A today. I ripped the pack open with my fangs letting the juicy taste of spill into my mouth.

"Slow, down tiger", joked Crater walking into the kitchen.

"Yes, that would be wise remember last time",replied Nicro as he walked into the kitchen behind Carter.

"That, was one time", I said taking the empty blood pack from my mouth.

"Sorry, little bro but you'll never live that down", said Crater laughing.

"Where is Noah",asked Nicro bordley.

"I don't know he just came in woke me up and left",I replied throwing my bag into the trash can.

"Strange", said Nicro as he rubbed his chin.

"Good, morning boys", yelled dad.

"Hey, dad", we all said in monotone.

I watched then as my dad fell to the floor crying in a puddle of his own tears, Nicro sighed reaching out his hand he patted dad's head softly. "There,there", he whispered.

Carter and I watched as our dad sniffed and hugged Nicro's legs for dear life. "Nicro, you do love your papa oh this is such a great feeling", exclaimed dad jumping up. He started to sing a strange song about father and son bonding.

Suddenly everything turned silent when the sound of stomping came closer to downstairs. Noah peeked out of the corner of the staircase as he made his way down. His face was scrunched up. When he reached the last step and turned to us with a scowl on his face.

"If, you guys are done playing around can we please get going", he said sourly.

I wonder what pissed him off. Nicro grabbed his keys and headed for the door with Noah and I following.Lets just say the car ride was awkward as heck, Nicro was just his silent self while Noah hissed and mumbled underneath his breath about someone being a whore.

When Nicro parked, I jumped out and ran over to Jake who was standing beside the steps. I ran and jumped onto his back making him laugh. "Hi", I yelled.

"Hey, babe", he said back smirking.

"Hey, Vin", said a few of his pack mates.

I frowned when I didn't see Sky or Riley in plain sight, i turned towards Jake and raised an eyebrow,"Where is Sky and Riley", I asked jumping off of my really tall boyfriend.

"About that well you see...", drawled out Jake.

The warning bell rung so I had to leave, really though what is going on around here Noah is grumpy and Sky and Riley are missing.

Class seemed to be moving by pretty fast and the next thing I knew was that I was in Art with a grumpy Noah scribbling all over a piece of computer paper that we were given to draw a small building. Jake sat beside me quietly drawing while Kevin was giving Riley side way glances, what the fuck was going on here.

I tried to ignore it but the anger was boiling inside me why was everyone acting so damn weird."Hey,Noah are you okay", I asked.

"I'm peachy", he replied dryly ripping the poor piece of paper in half as he gave a death stare to Kevin and Riley.

I was about to ask another question but Jake distracted me with a kiss on the lips making our teacher Mr. Bailey glare at us with disgust, oh did I mention he was a homophobic. But of course he wouldn't say anything because Jake wouldn't hesitate to beat the shit out of him.

I looked at the clock, okay so maybe I won't find out what is wrong with Noah this block but I will I will find out one way or another just you wait and see my dear friends. I rubbed my hands together and chuckled evilly but to anyone else it would sound like I was chocking.

"Hey, are you cold", asked Jake?

"Um, no", I replied starting to draw again.

Author note- so here is another update. so someone followed me by the name homophobic and I guess they deleted their account weird 0_0 especially when my stories are bout two guys. Is it fucked up if your parents say they don't know anything about you ._. Anyways I don't know if I should do dedications if I do I will go back and start at chapter one maybe I don't know what do you guys think. Also i love reading your comments there all ways fun to read:)

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