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I laid in my bed staring at the ceiling, Noah left a few minutes ago and boy he wasn't happy at all. He nearly beat the living shit out of Kevin ,oh and he was cursing like a sailor. You're, probably wondering where Jake went, he had to leave due to some pack business. So here I laid on my bed bored with no one to hang out with.

Carter was with some girl doing god only knows what, Nicro was studying for a test and had locked his door. My dad well he was dad. I grabbed my phone tapping on the youtube app looking at new recent videos from Cry and Masked Gamer. After watching about six videos I got tired of looking at the tiny screen so I leaped up from my bed and walked over to my cute radio that was in a shape of a speaker.

I turned on the radio and Anaconda by Nicki Minaj blasted from the speaker. I then started to shake my ass, which I didn't really have much but I did have a little something. This song was addictive. After, Nicki went off Try by Colbie Caillet came on making me stop attempting to twerk.

I song along softly, picking up my clothes from the floor. I then put them into the dirty clothes hamper next I made sure to sweep the wooden floors inside my room. I then got bored and cut off the radio on my way going down stairs. Out of the blue I started to sing Over and Over, thinking about my past. Seth showing up made me feel nervous about everything.

I sighed, my nightmare stopped happen and that worried me to death I mean who wouldn't be if they kept having a dream of a man reaching towards them when suddenly someone jumps in front of you.

"Vin, are you okay", said Carter as he came from outside the front door.

"I'm, peachy", I replied dryly.

"Come, on little bro lets go get an ice cream", said Carter smiling.

"Ice, cream", I yelled jumping up and down.

Come on, who didn't get happy about ice cream. I quickly scrambled up the stairs to get my shoes making Carter chuckle when I tripped on a step. I ran into my room grabbing my black and green Van's off the wall shoes. I slipped them on without shocks I mean it wasn't like I could sweat. After, spending a minute on trying to put on my shoes because I was smart enough to put them on the wrong feet.

When I came downstairs I saw no Carter, I guess he went to the car. I double checked to make sure I had my keys and wallet. Closing the door I turned to see Carter texting on his phone laughing. I walked to the car glancing over at his phone.

He was texting someone named Ellie with smiley faces saying I miss you, what player Carter is texting. Okay is everyone hiding something around this house.

"Carter, who is Ellie", I asked getting into the car.

"My, friend Ellie I was about to meet with him but it can wait", said Carter disappointed.

I rolled my eyes,"Cater, you can bring your friend", I replied dryly.

"Thank, you .Vin you're the best", shouted Carter as he laid down his phone before starting the car. As we pulled out of the driveway I couldn't help roll my eyes because Carter was smiling from ear to ear. About twenty minutes we finally pulled into the driveway in front of a red house.

I climbed into the back into the back seat while Carter beeped his horn. I watched as the door opened, out came a light skin boy with long black hair. He had small dimples on his cheeks with a pierced lip. His hazel eyes seemed to lit up when he saw Carter.

"Hi, Carter", whispered Ellie blushing as he closed the car door.

"Hey, Ellie, this is my little brother Vin" respond Carter not noticing Ellie's blush.

What, a complete idiot how could he not see that Ellie had a crush on him geez Carter was such an airhead. The drive to the ice cream parlor was quite interesting.

I opened my door getting out then closing it, we then walked to the ice cream parlor. Carter offered to go order our ice creams for us. So Ellie and I sat down on a bench outside. I couldn't keep from staring at Ellie, I wasn't trying to be rude I was just curious.

"What", asked Ellie frowning.

"Nothing, I'm just wondering what someone pretty like you relationship with my brother is" I asked casually.

"Oh, w-we are just friends besides Carter isn't the type to tie himself to someone but I'm sure you know that", he said sighing.

"Carter, is an idiot if he can't see that you're good for him and that he likes you he doesn't deserve you", I said shaking my head.

"Thank you but I don't think I ever be able to give up loving Carter even if he doesn't return my feelings", whispered Eille.

I opened my mouth but closed it when I saw Cater walking towards us. When he got to the table I whacked the back of his head making Ellie smile.

"Ouch, what was that for", asked Carter clutching his head.

"Sorry, my hand just has a mind of its own", I responded taking my chocolate ice cream cone from his hands. I moaned when I tasted the chocolate inside my mouth.

"You're, so weird", sad Carter licking his strawberry ice cream.

"Only, an ice cream lover would understand", replied Ellie winking at me.

"What, is this gang up on is it pick on Carter day", said Carter pouting.

"Your, are such a big baby", said Ellie rolling his eyes while giggling.

My, brother is such an idiot, he should stop finding random women to sleep with and take a chance at love before he loses it.

Authornote- so guys leave questions for another tea time for characters or comment characters you want to see. Also question for you what is something that annoyance you , What youtuber you like or favorite song.

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