Ch. 7-Nightmare

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Ch. 7-Nightmare

**Danielle's POV

After Perrie left, I crawled into bed for the night. I didn't bother cleaning up the living room, or turning off the TV. I just want to sleep. I had so much pressure on me today. I was not planning on telling all those people about Max. You know how easily any one of them could slip up, and accidentally tell Liam?

I pulled the sheets up over my chest, and hugged them close. The wind howled, even through my closed window. I pulled the sheets over my head, and curled into a ball under the covers.

I want to tell Liam. With that, I fell asleep.

"Danielle." I heard Sophia's voice say. I opened my eyes, and peered around the room. I didn't bother to get up. It was just my imagination. "Danielle." I heard Liam's voice add. This time, I sat up.

I saw Liam and Sophia standing next to each other. Max was in Sophia's arms. "Give me my son!" I screamed, jumping up to attack that twig. "Actually," said Liam, holding his arm our in front of me, "He's my son too."

"He's mine, Liam." I glared at Liam. "Sorry babe," said Sophia in a fake voice, "But Liam and I want to raise Max together. We're going to be a family."

"He's my son," I argued. "I took care of him since I got pregnant. What did you do, Liam? You left me, before I could even tell you about him." Then I started to get emotional.

Sophia smirked at the tears welling up in my eyes. "C'mon babe." She said to Liam. "Let's take our son home."

I sat up in bed, and looked around. I was sweating all over, and my breathing had quickened by a lot. I kicked my blankets down to my feet, and climbed up. I have to check on Max.

I went to his room, and pushed open the door. Everything looked untouched. I walked forward, and took a peek in his crib. He was sleeping soundly with Berry. I took a huge sigh of relief. I leaned over and kissed his forehead.

I stood there a moment, making sure Max was here, and I'm not hallucinating. Once I was good, I closed Max's door a little, and went back into my bed. I pulled the blankets back up, and lay in bed. I stared at the ceiling, trying to remember the details of my dream.

Eventually, I fell asleep with the most sickening feeling in the pit of my stomach.


I woke up the next morning, feeling horrible. I didn't feel good, or refreshed, or ready for the new day. I just feel like vomiting. I put my hand over my mouth, and ran to the ensuite bathroom. I felt the sickly feeling rising up in my throat.

I lifted the toilet seat, and bent down. I began to throw up into the bowl. My hands gripped the sides of the toilet, as I vomited. Visions of the dream I had last night rushed back inside me, making me start to cry. I hate Sophia. I hate Liam. I hate everything!

Then, I began to sob. I sobbed, and vomited, and sobbed, and vomited. I sobbed about everything. About Liam getting me pregnant in the first place. About telling Perrie, Louis, and Eleanor. About Liam leaving me.

I think I'm sick. Well, I'm obviously sick. I heard a meow behind me, and recognized that Berry had come into the room, and was rubbing herself across me. I tried to smile at the comfort she was trying to give, but couldn't.

More vomit began to come, and I just felt like dying. I could hear Max screaming for me to go get him, and the phone ringing downstairs. Everything is piling up too fast. I sniffled, and forced myself top stop vomiting for a moment, while I reached for the garbage can.

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