Ch. 40-Needing Him

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Ch. 40-Needing Him

*Danielle's POV

"I'm sorry Danielle," Said Liam, offering a smile, "But I'm just coming to realize that Sophia was my love. Not you." My lips slowly parted as my mind processed Liam's words. "I can't be a part of Max's life either," Liam added, "Because Sophia is pregnant. With my baby. Our baby. We'll raise him or her together as a family. Something you wouldn't know much about."

The sadness began to register on my face, as Liam's words sunk in. "You cheated?" I whispered, putting my head in my hands. The hustle and bustle of McDonalds rushed past us. All the people seemed to be in black and white. Slow motion. The only person in color was Liam.

"We were never together, Danielle." Said Liam, firmly. "Remember?" He asked, "You rejected me about three times." I frowned. "We're we going to wait to be together after your tour?" I asked. "No." Said Liam. "That was your idea, not mine. I have a new plan now. It doesn't involve you. It's a life with my Sophia, and our baby."

The way Liam's lips said baby made me want to break down and cry. "Liam, please," I begged, trying not to sound desperate, "You said you wanted to be a part of Max's life." I reminded him.

"Danielle," Said Liam, "I didn't want a part of your life. I didn't want a part of Max's life either. I just didn't want to be tracked down someday in the future, when Max wants to know who is father is. May as well let him know now. I'll leave him with some pictures, and that'll be that."

I shook my head slowly, "I can't believe you." I muttered, all the tears soaking back into my eyes. I sat up straighter. "Get away from me." I told Liam in anger. "Excuse me?" Asked Liam, probably thinking this was funny. "Get, the hell away from me." I repeated, as I slammed a fist down on the table.

"I'm glad I'm getting away from you while I can," Said Liam, as he pulled his hood on, "Because you are desperate. You tried to keep me for another eleven months. In that time I can't find a new girlfriend, because you're thinking we're together. Danielle, it's like you can't let me go, but you don't actually want me."

He shrugged at me, putting on his sunglasses. Turning on his heel, he left the McDonalds.

I woke up on the counter the next morning, shaken by my dream. My face was tight and tearstained. I took a deep breath, forcing myself to sit up. I looked around the kitchen. Everything was the same as I'd left it last night. I rubbed the front of my head once again. I don't think my headache left.

But is it true? Am I just holding Liam back from life? For eleven months he can't get a girlfriend, or even flirt with girls because I'm so 'desperate' for Liam. If I were desperate, I would have told Liam to cancel the tour to stay with Max and me. But I'm not desperate. I just want a proper father for Max.

I guess it's hard being a '1D' girlfriend. Especially for pregnant Eleanor. Louis won't be there for any of her ultrasounds, or baby shopping, and probably not labor. Eleanor's going to need her mum, Perrie, Violet and I more than ever. Being pregnant is emotional and hard. I know.

Perrie I guess has it the easiest, because she is in a band too, and has to travel around doing concerts and signings and the same things One Direction do. She understands that Zayn can't always be around. Though they try their hardest to see each other.

Violet's only family is her mum. Her father died of cancer when she was young, her big brother died in a car accident a few years back, both her parents were only children and all her grandparents are dead. Her mum is all she has. I think Violet might be visiting her mum right now, but I'm not sure.

The point is- Niall is the only one Violet really has to love. And Niall is gone so often.

As for me, I'm not exactly a One Direction girlfriend, but I have Liam's son, so I'd say this is pretty difficult. It'll be the same for Eleanor once she has her baby. She'll pretty much raise him or her on her own.

Luckily for the Harry girls, he's single. And should stay single as long as possible. Well, I guess if he's ready to get a girlfriend he can, but I really don't want him hurting a girl, or getting hurt him self. Hopefully he doesn't impregnate a girl, then leave. There's a lot of fan-fiction about that.

Who knows if he has any kids out there? I'm not saying Harry sleeps around, or is a bad guy. I'm just saying there's many fan-fictions where that's the situation, so who knows if it's really true. Yes guys, I do read fan-fiction from time to time. Don't judge me.

Well, judge me if you want, but I'll just plug my ears. It wouldn't be worth it for me to listen.

I climbed off the counter, and began walking up the stairs to my bedroom. Maybe I'll take Max out for some boxing day shopping today. Since I only got two Christmas gifts, I think I need some retail therapy. Don't get me wrong, I love the picture Max colored for me, but it's not the same as some new shoes.

I walked into my bedroom, and into the closet. I flicked on the light, and looked at the colored fabrics hanging on the walls. I picked out an oversized light green sweater, some dark wash jeans, and some tall brown boots. I changed into the outfit, and flicked off the light.

I took a deep breath when I saw how I looked. My hair stuck out in all directions. My makeup had all rubbed off during my sleep. I left my hair how it was. I don't want to bother with it. I put on a little concealer, and that's it. I really don't want to have to worry about running makeup today. I have a feeling I will cry myself to sleep. I know that's not good for me to think about. I should at least try not to cry. At least try.

I sat down on my bed, and opened my older laptop. I have two. One's a newer MacBook, and I have an old 2008 MacBook too. I opened Google, and went to twitter. The only thing on my news feed was One Direction crap. Can't anyone think of anything but those boys?

Well, I guess they're the only thing on my mind too. But I have reason. I had Liam's baby. I guess I use that as my excuse a lot... Max isn't an excuse though, because it's true... I always say I need Liam for Max. I need Liam in my life so that Max can have a father. But maybe I need Liam too...

Sorry it's short.

Picture is Max.

QOTD: What would you do if Sophia was having Liam's baby?

Liam James Payne


Danielle Claire Peazer


Max Ethan Payne

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