Ch. 34-Hedbanz

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Ch. 34-Hedbanz

*Danielle's POV

My jaw fell open in surprise as Liam walked away with Max. For one, how could Perrie do that? She knows I'm not ready to get back with Liam. Now I'm going to have a talking to with Perrie. But what do I do now about the sleeping situation? I guess I could sleep on the sofa, or the floor... Or I could make Liam take the sofa or the floor. I deserve to share a bed with my baby, and Liam doesn't.

And for two, Liam can't just come over here and walk away with Max. He never asked. Liam knows that I have strict rules about whom Max is aloud to hang out with. Well... I don't. But still, I don't like it when Liam and Max are together. It honestly makes me feel jealous and hurt.

But I'll be selfish and rude if I take Max back from Liam. I guess I have to let them spend some time together. I guess giving Liam an hour or two with Max won't hurt. I mean, Liam has never got to spend time with Max in the whole year Max has been breathing.

I rubbed the back of my head, and sighed. Now I'm the one left with a goose egg on the back of my head. Great. I pulled a stool up to the island in the kitchen, and sat down. I slowly picked at the bowl of grapes Perrie had left out.

For a while I stared out the window, watching the snow and wind howl. I guess I should be thankful Perrie and Zayn are letting us stay here. If we weren't here, Max, Atlantis, Sassy, Ed and I would be living popsicles.

For about another hour I watched Liam walk around with Max, playing with him, hugging him, and laughing with him. Does Max like Liam more than me? I've been with Max his whole life. He wouldn't just replace me, right? Max is my son. Mine. I don't have to let Liam play with him.

"Hey Danielle." Said Eleanor, appearing next to me. She had a large plate of food in her hands. "What's up?" She asked. "Liam has Max." I said, not moving my eyes from my baby. "Why?" Asked Eleanor, as she shoved some chips into her mouth. "I don't know. He wanted to play with him or something."

"Oh." Said Eleanor, potato chip crumbs falling from her mouth. "So, the baby is making you real hungry, isn't it?" I asked, turning my eyes to her plate. "Yeah," She admitted, "I can't believe one baby makes me eat so much." I smiled thoughtfully, "Maybe you're having twins?"

"Hahaha, no." Said Eleanor, her face falling from amused to blank in a matter of seconds. "Dani, that'd be twice the work. Twice the diapers. Twice the temper-tantrums. Twice the potty training and teenage hormones." I shrugged, "It could happen." Eleanor shivered, "If it does, I'm giving one of the kids to you."

I frowned, "I already have a kid. Why would you give me one of yours?" Eleanor moaned, "Fine. I'll give it to Zayn and Perrie."

"El," I said, "You know how hurt that kid would be? You and Perrie are friends. Whenever you and Perrie would hang out with the kids, the kid you gave Perrie would be calling you Auntie, and Perrie mummy when it's actually the opposite. Plus, Louis wouldn't be happy if you gave his child to his band-mate and fiancé."

Eleanor started at me with a blank expression on her face. "Danielle," She said, "You lost me at 'El'." I sighed, "Whatever." I turned my attention back to Liam, who was flipping Max upside down so he could walk on the ceiling. Please God, don't let Liam drop my son. Max already had to struggle with a concussion.

Liam flipped Max back around the right way, and put him down. Max spun in a few circles, obviously dizzy. "Careful baby," Liam laughed, kneeling down and steadying Max's shoulders. Max stopped spinning and giggled. "Fanks Daddy." Said Max. I felt tears welling up in my eyes.

"What's wrong?" Asked Eleanor, putting down her plate. I took a deep breath, and put a smile on my face. I hopped off the stool, and clasped my hands behind my back. Eleanor put her hands on my shoulders, and turned me to face her. "Nothing." I claimed, smiling widely. Eleanor furrowed her eyebrows.

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