Ch. 54-Tantrum

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Ch. 54-Tantrum

*Danielle's POV

"Wahhhhhh!" Madison cried as Liam drove the family home after the interview. "Quiet down," Liam told Madison, "No crying." Madison continued to cry in her seat. "I'm tired!" Max screamed. "I know bud. It's bedtime when we get home." Max's eyes widened, "NO BEDTIME!"

I put my head in my hands and took a deep breath. "I thought you were tired?" I asked Max in annoyance, raising my eyebrows. "No bedtime!" Max cried, flailing his arms and legs around in his car seat. "Do you need a new diaper?" I asked Madison. She just continued to scream. Ugh. Sometimes I wish Madison could talk.


"No diaper!" Max screamed as I struggled to change him. "Max, do you really want to sleep in your disgusting poo?" I asked doubtfully. "NO SLEEP!" Max cried, tears streaming down his cheeks. "Danielle," Liam scolded as he struggled to change Madison's diaper. "What?" I asked Liam, sighing heavily.

"Don't talk about disgusting poo around the toddlers." Said Liam. "Whatever." I mumbled. I took off Max's old diaper and changed him into a new one. "Doesn't that feel better?" I asked Max, picking him up. "No!" Max yelled in my face. "No yelling. Quiet voice." I told Max. Max just frowned and crossed his arms. "You're sassy." I told Max, as I lifted him into his crib. Liam buttoned up Madison's sleeper, and picked her up. "Say goodnight to your brother." Liam told Madison.

"No sleep!" Max screamed when the words left Liam's mouth. "No Max. It's time for sleep." I said, lifting him into his crib." Max shook his head no, "No bed! Mummy no bed!" I lifted Max back out of the crib. "Yes bed, Max. But if you want, you can sleep with Daddy and me. Would you like that?" I asked my son.

"Want to sleep in me and Daddy's room?" I asked Max. "Yes," Said Max, sniffling and rubbing his tired eyes. "Then you have to stop crying." I bargained with my son. "Okay." Max agreed, sighing. I carried Max into Liam and I's bedroom. I lay Max down on the bed and tucked him into the blankets.

"No blankie," Said Max, kicking the blankets off his little body. "Max!" I exclaimed in annoyance. "Nooooo blankie!" Max cried again. "Fine." I said stiffly, ripping the duvet off the bed, balling it up and tossing it across the room. Max giggled. "No laughing at Mommy," I told Max, "Mommy's not very happy right now."

Max quickly closed his mouth. I took a deep breath, rubbing my forehead. I have a massive headache right now. I tried to ignore Madison's crying. I think Liam's having trouble putting her down. "Wait here, Max." I told my son. "Okay." Said Max, sprawling his body out across the large bed.

Taking a deep breath, I left my bedroom and walked into Madison's room. Liam struggled to tuck Madison into her blankets. "Li," I said, coming up behind my boyfriend. I put a hand on Liam's shoulder. "You can put Madison in our bed. Max is sleeping with us tonight, too." Liam nodded, "Thanks."

Madison continued to cry as Liam carried her to Liam and I's bedroom. "Hi Maddie." Smiled Max, seeing his sister being carried into the room. Madison stopped crying when she saw her big brother. Madison smiled, and reached her chubby little arms towards Max. Liam lay Madison down next to Max. Max immediately put his arm around Madison's shoulders, and Maddie snuggled her head on Max's shoulder.

"Love ya Maddie." Max told Madison in his little toddler voice, closing his eyes. Madison nodded, closing her eyes too. "Night-night Mum and Dad." Said Max, eyes still closed. I stood in awe, my eyebrows knit together. Liam and I slowly turned to each other. Liam just shrugged, and pressed his fingers to his lips.

I nodded, tip-toing to my closet. I snatched some pajamas from the shelf, and snuck back out to Liam. Max and Madison were still snuggled together, slowly falling asleep. I watched Liam quietly grab some pajamas from his dresser. Once he got them, Liam and me left the room and turned out the light.

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