Ch. 51-Family Pics

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Ch. 52- Family Pics

*Danielle's POV

Today Liam and the boys got home. Yesterday was Zayn's birthday out at the campsite. The boys were planning to spend more than one night out at the camp, but it was too cold. Hence, they came back to London.

Liam is over here right now, playing with the kids. Liam is so good with both Max and Madison. Max really missed his Daddy, even though Liam was only gone for one day.

The only word Max is saying is Daddy. Madison said Daddy a couple more times, too. She only says it if Max says it. Madison likes to copy Max. She totally looks up to Max. It's adorable. So, the plan for today is that we're going to get family pictures. I'm all dressed up in a beautiful navy dress.

"Mum." Said Max, toddling into my bedroom, wearing just a diaper. "Hi, bud." I greeted, putting down my laptop. "Wasn't daddy supposed to get you dressed?" I asked Max, raising my eyebrows. Max just giggled.

Liam and Madison came into the room next. Madison was giggling in Liam's arms. "Show Mummy, Dad." Max told Liam, as Max tugged on Liam's pant leg. "Show me what?" I asked, feeling nervous and excited at the same time.

Liam put Madison down on the carpet. Madison looked around, before moving onto her knees and hands. "Careful," I said nervously, not wanting Madison to hurt her arms. "It's okay," Liam assured me, "She's fine." My baby girl put one of her hands forward, and moved her legs forward. She continued the pattern.

"She's crawling." Liam told me proudly, clasping his hands behind his back like a proud kindergartener that just finished a colorful macaroni necklace for his Mum. "I taught her." Liam added. "Oh my gosh Liam," I said, putting my hands over my mouth, "You're amazing." Liam grinned in pride.

Madison proudly made her way across the room, only in her little diaper. "Why didn't you get them dressed?" I asked Liam, giving him a look, "We leave for family pictures in fifteen minutes. He shrugged guiltily, "They look cute in just their little diapers."

I laughed, "Okay, fine. So much for responsible and obedient Daddy Direction." Liam shrugged, "I didn't give myself that name!"

"Come on Maddie!" Max exclaimed, getting down on his hands and knees. He began crawling around the room. Madison giggled, crawling after her brother. "Come on!" Said Max, crawling out of the room. Madison crawled after him, going as fast as she could. "Love you two!" I called after my babies.

"Love you!" I heard Max's voice echo back. Max is so sweet. He loves crawling around with Madison. He doesn't want her to feel left out or sad because she can't walk yet. I stood up off my bed, and stood beside Liam. He kissed my forehead, and pulled me into a hug. "I really love you and the kids." He whispered.

"I love you and the kids too," I told him. I took a deep breath, looking into Liam's caramel eyes. "And Liam..." I whispered nervously. "If you want, I'm willing to be your girlfriend again. You can even move in over here."

"We can share this bed and pretend we're a married couple. For the kids." I said, motioning to my king sized bed. "And we can actually raise our children together, from one home. We don't have to confuse the kids, and have to explain why you're never home. What do you say?" I asked nervously.

"Really?" Liam whispered in shock and surprise. "Really." I confirmed, biting my bottom lip. "Well, I'm more than willing to be your boyfriend." He told me, grinning. "Great." I said in reply, as we slowly leaned in. Our lips met, and I felt the same atomic explosions I get whenever I kiss this boy.

I wrapped my arms around his shoulders, and his hands rested on my hips. We spent about twenty seconds making out, when we were interrupted.

"Ew!" Max squealed, standing in our doorframe. Liam and I immediately pulled apart from each other. "Yucky!" Max giggled, covering his eyes with his little hands. Liam laughed, "It's okay Max. This is what Mommy and Daddy's do." Max shook his head no and ran out of the room screaming, "Yucky, yucky, yucky!"

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