Ch. 63-Leaving

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Ch. 63-Leaving

*Danielle's POV

"Hello Danielle," Said a very familiar voice. I grinned, walking into the room. Liam closed the door behind us, following me into the room. "This is my girlfriend, Lauren," Said the famous Mr. Simon Cowell, motioning to the woman on the hospital bed. A small baby lay in the woman's arms, holding her finger.

"Hi, I'm Danielle," I said to Lauren, holding out my hand. "Nice to meet you," She replied, returning the smile and shaking my hand. "Your baby is adorable," I said, shaking my head and pulling up a chair. She smiled, looking down at the baby boy. "I love him so much," Said Lauren, completely glowing.

"Hello Liam," Said Simon, patting Liam on the back. "Hi Simon," Liam replied bitterly. What's his problem? "Nice boy you got there," Said Liam, smiling at the small baby, trying to act casual. This time it was Simon's turn to glow, "He is pretty cute, if I do say so myself. I have good genes."

"What did you name him?" I asked, reaching forward and lifting the little blue hat out of his eyes. "Eric," Lauren answered my question, pulling the baby-blue blanket down so Liam and I could have a better angle of the baby's face. "He's barely a day old, but I can already tell how handsome he is." Lauren gushed.

"He really is cute," I agreed, peeking at the babies face. "This is your second child, right?" I asked. Lauren nodded, "I already have a son. Now I have two beautiful boys." I smiled, and for some odd reason my eyes traveled down to my stomach. I wish I were pregnant again. I'd love a little sibling for Madison and Max.

"You would?" Liam asked me, raising his eyebrows. "What?" I asked, looking back up at my fiancé. "You said you wish you were pregnant again..." Liam trailed off. Crap. I didn't realize I was saying that out loud. "Um, yeah. I think Max and Maddie would be amazing big siblings." Liam smiled, "I think they would, too."

"I can't wait to meet your children," Said Lauren, smiling up at Liam. "Their son Max is a sassy one," Simon chuckled, scratching his chin, "He's really competitive, too." I laughed, remembering when Max was trash-talking Simon. "You two mind if I talk to Liam for a few moments in the hall?" Simon asked, slapping his hand down on Liam's shoulder. Liam gulped, as if he knew what was coming.

"Of course," Said Lauren with a warm smile, "That way Danielle and I can talk woman-to-woman." I smiled, nodding. "Great." Said Simon, and began walking to the door. Liam hesitantly followed behind. They both walked into the hall, closing the door behind them. I sighed. What's going on with those two?

"How are things with you and Liam?" Asked Lauren, looking down at my engagement ring with a very knowing smile. "He proposed yesterday," I said quietly, a grin creeping onto my face. Lauren grinned, reaching forward for my hand. I held out my hand, and she took it.

She tilted my fingers back and forth to watch the ring glisten in the light. "It's beautiful," Lauren complimented, giving me my hand back. I blushed, "I really do love it. Liam knows me so well."

"He's a great boy," Said Lauren, "I'm happy for you two. I expect an invitation to the wedding." I nodded, "Of course! And you better bring your two beautiful sons. I'm sure Max would love to play with Adam. He's seven, right?"

Lauren nodded, "Yeah. He's getting so big. Savor the time you have with your toddlers. It doesn't last forever. It is nice, not having to change his diapers. But I just had to go and have another baby, which means more diapers." Lauren chuckled. I nodded in sympathetic agreement, "I know how you feel."

*Liam's POV

"I understood pretty clearly from when you talked to me, earlier," I said to Simon, rolling my eyes in frustration. I clenched my jaw, and my fists to restrain from punching Simon Cowell. I know. Everyone thinks things are all 'peachy' between us. He created our group, and I'm eternally grateful.

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