Ch. 77-The Boys

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Ch. 77-The Boys

*Zayn's POV

"What do you think? Summer or winter wedding?" Perrie asked over the phone. I shrugged, though I'm on the tour bus about 1,000 miles away from my lovely fiancé, and she can't see me. "I don't know. Summer would be nice and warm. But winter is really magical I guess... I think I like autumn."

"Autumn would be beautiful. There are some really beautiful colors around that time of year. Reds, oranges, yellows." I nodded. Again, I know she can't see me. "That would be nice. Whatever you want though, Per. Your wish is my command." She giggled. I could hear the pages of the bridal magazine flip. "I love you." I smiled, shifting uncomfortably. These tour-bus bunk beds aren't particularly comfortable.

"I love you too." She responded quietly.

"What kind of cake?" I asked, wanting to sound interested. It's not that I'm not interested, but weddings aren't really in my interest area. But, since this is my wedding, I'm very interested. "Chocolate?" Perrie asked, "Or is that too weird for a wedding? Shouldn't it be like, Moroccan Iced Peppermint or something fancy like that?" Perrie giggled. "Of course not. Chocolate is perfect." I assured her.

I could practically see the blushing smile on her face. She's so amazing. "Perfect." She shyly whispered. She still gets a little flustered sometimes. I guess that's what love does to you. I can't even imagine living my life without Perrie Louise Edwards.

*Louis' POV

"I miss you, baby. Yes I do. Yes I do." I baby-talked into the phone. Oh God. What have I turned into? A Dad... That's what I've turned into... I heard a little giggle in response. "Was that Emily?" I asked. "Yeah, she's adorable." Eleanor's voice responded in the background. "I can't wait to see you and the kids again." I said to Eleanor. "I can't wait to see you, too." She responded.

"Wanna say hi to Daddy?" Eleanor's voice asked. We know the kids won't give us a response. The kids are only two weeks old. I don't think they're going to be saying Hi to me. We're basically just humoring ourselves. Another giggle came in response. I smiled.

I heard the muffle of the phone move. "Hi," Said Eleanor. "Hey," I replied. "Sorry, I was just taking the phone off speaker." Eleanor explained. "Ohh," I replied, forming my lips into an o shape. "I really miss you," Eleanor whined, dragging her voice on. "I'm sorry." I apologized.

"I guess I should have known you would rarely be home." She said in a half-cocky tone. "What do you mean?" I asked, somehow feeling hurt by the statement. "I mean, I knew that if I got pregnant you'd never be around for the kids. I'm basically a single mother."

That felt like a stab in the chest.

"El, I'm sorry. I can't just throw away my career to come visit you and help with the kids. I love you, but this career is what helps me provide for you and the kids. If I wasn't working, we wouldn't have an income." I said, feeling the need to defend myself.

"Are you saying I can't take care of myself?" Eleanor asked, her pitch of voice rising. "N-No I'm not. I'm just saying you have to stay home and take care of the kids because I'm working." I stuttered, beginning to pace around the tour-bus living area. The other boys are already in bed.

"So you're saying I have to stay home? Why can't you stay home? Why can't I go find a job and tour the world with my best friends while you stay home with the kids?" Eleanor asked in a sour tone. "Because, you're the Mum. Kids bond best with their Mum when they're newborns. It's an actual scientific fact."

Eleanor sighed in half-exasperation, and half-sadness. "Whatever. I'm sorry I brought this whole thing up. I have to go tuck the kids into bed. Bye Louis." She hung up.

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