Ch. 55-Not Easy

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Ch. 55-Not Easy

*Danielle's POV

"Here comes the airplane," I said to Madison, as I lifted the spoon of oatmeal towards her mouth. She smiled, and opened her mouth widely. I fed her the bite, and went to get another. "Here comes the airplane," I said once again, feeding Madison her breakfast.

Max woke up when I went to get Madison. Max wasn't hungry though, so Liam invited Max to go help him shovel the driveway and the porch. We got quite a bit of snow last night. Max was so proud, taking his big shovel and getting all bundled up in his snowsuit, boots, mittens, toque and scarf. I love the relationship Max and Liam have together. "Here comes the airplane," I said to Madison, lifting the spoon to her mouth.

She shook her head no, telling me she wasn't hungry anymore. "Okay, all done?" I asked my daughter. She nodded her head yes. "Okay." I said, standing up. I put the bowl and spoon into the sink. I was about to get Madison out of her high chair, when the home-phone rang. I quickly put a stuffed giraffe on the high-chair tray, so Madison could play with it while I answer the phone.

I ran to the phone, which sat on the sofa in the living room. I picked it up without checking the caller ID. "Hello?" I asked, propping the phone between my ear and shoulder. "Is this Danielle Peazer?" Asked a female voice. "Yes, who is this?" I asked. "This is Andrea Neale... I'm Madison's old babysitter."

I smiled, "Hi." I went back into the kitchen to put Madison's dishes in the dishwasher. "Um... Today we're having the memorial for Michelle and William Foster..." Andrea whispered. I suddenly stood still. Madison gave me an odd look, tilting her head. "Who is going to attend?" I asked, "I thought Michelle and William didn't have any friends or family."

"Well, we were able to scrounge up some old school-mates of Michelle and William, old friends from high school. Also we got some of Michelle's students from her physics class at university. And a couple of William's colleagues from work." I nodded even though she can't see me. "Uh, what time is it at? And where?" I asked, itching my head. "2pm at the Aberdeen Memorial."

"Okay... I guess I'll see you then. Thanks for calling." I sighed. "No problem... Bye Danielle." Andrea hung up the phone. Slowly, I took the phone off my ear and ended my side of the call. I looked at the clock. It's only 10. We have four hours until Max's biological parents' funeral. I still think Michelle and William count as Madison's parents. They raised my baby girl for a whole year. That has to count for something.

I wonder if I'll have to say something at the funeral. I'm not very good with those kinds of things... The last funeral I went to was Berry's. That was horrible for everyone. Especially Max. I don't want Max to have to suffer like that again. At least her never knew Michelle and William, so he probably won't burst into tears and make a big scene. Madison on the other hand... Madison might still think her parents are coming home.

Madison might think her parents are just on another business trip. But they're not. Michelle and William Foster are dead. Madison might think we're just her new babysitters. But we're not. But, Madison did call Liam her Daddy... I wonder what goes on inside Madison's head. Taking a deep breath, I put Madison's dishes into the dishwasher and took Madison out of her highchair.

I put her on my hip, and began walking towards the front door. I opened it, and looked out to the driveway where Max and Liam were laughing hysterically. Both shovels were just lying in the snow, not being touched. So much for shoveling the driveway. I watched Max throw a snowball at Liam, and Liam over-dramatically fell backwards into the snow-bank. Max fell down because he was laughing so hard.

"Liam!" I called out the door. Liam stood up, grinning. "Yeah?" Liam called to me, putting his hand over his eyes to shade from the sun. I motioned for Liam to come over to me. He nodded, "I'll be right back Max, okay?" Liam asked our son, "And don't go on the road." Liam added. Max nodded, and began making a snow angel. Liam jogged over to Madison and I.

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