Ch. 66-Protect You

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Ch. 66-Protect You

*Danielle's POV

It's been another week and a few days of hell living with Liam. I didn't even bring up the fact he was at the Brit Awards with Sophia. I don't want to cause drama or fight with Liam while Max and Madison are around. Liam's gone out 'song writing' another two times this week. Yet, he claims he loves me.

Don't get me wrong, I am SO angry with Liam. I haven't been accepting his hugs, his kisses, his smiles, his kind gestures, his feel better soon presents, anything. He thinks it's because I'm sick. It's not. I hate him. I hate Liam James Payne.

But Max and Madison are so, so excited that Mommy and Daddy are going to be getting married. You can't just crush their one-year-old hearts. That'd be barbaric. Madison just started talking, and saying lots of new words. I'm not going to put horrible thoughts about cheating into her mind.

Perrie and Violet probably think they did a pretty good job of keeping me from watching TV. I turned off the Brit Awards, and put the remote back in the drawer before Perrie came back from the restroom. Everyone thinks they pulled their little stunt off. They didn't. Those liars.

It's March 3rd today, and the weather is definitely warming up. I had to go out and buy some rain-boots for Max and Madison. Today we're going out puddle jumping, and for a walk to the park. Yes, Madison learned to walk a few days ago. She's been really enjoying it. She's way more trouble now that she can walk. She's pulling things off shelves, and jumping from the coffee table to the sofa...

Anyway, right now Liam is out song-writing again. You don't even know how many foul names I want to call that boy. "Momma, puddles?" Max asked me, walking into my bedroom with his rain-boots on. "Yes baby." I quietly answered, pulling myself out of bed. My flu is slowly going away, but I still get sick almost every day. I hate confusing and ignorant viruses.

I walked down the stairs with Max, not even worrying that he was going to fall. I remember when Max could barely walk, I was so scared that he would fall and get a concussion. He's so good at walking now. He's growing up. We reached the bottom of the stairs, where Maddie was pulling her ladybug rain boots on.

"Hi Momma," She greeted, as she struggled to pull the boot onto her foot. I smiled, bending down. I helped her push the boot onto her foot. "Thanks Momma," She replied, blowing a kiss. I smiled again. It's crazy how my babies lighten my mood so quickly. I helped Madison and Max into their raincoats, and their rain-hats.

From what I know, it's pouring rain. I love the sound of rain. I'd lie on the floor of my bedroom, beside the window and listen to the rain all day long. That would be a very good day. "Thanks Momma." Said Max, running his hands over his cute little red raincoat. "Love you." I said in response, kissing his forehead.

I put on my own raincoat and rain-boots, joining my babies at the front door. "We go now?" Asked Max, trying to reach the door-handle. "Yes Bud," I replied, opening the door for my son. "Thanks Mum," He replied, running outside into the pouring rain. "Careful not to slip," I warned, holding my hand out at him for some odd reason. I don't want my kids slipping on the wet ice.

"I careful!" Max yelled back. "Me too!" Madison agreed, running after Max. I let out a deep breath. I hate having such active and accident-prone children. Madison's arms are still scarred and damaged from the fire. I don't want her to re-damage them. They're delicate babies.

I shoved my hands in my clear-raincoat's pockets and followed Max and Madison down the sidewalk. The park isn't far from our house, which is nice. When Max and Maddie are older, they will be able to walk to the park by themselves, or with their friends. Eleanor is about five and a half months along now.

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