Ch. 58-Birthday

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Ch. 58-Birthday

*Danielle's POV

Today is February first, the one and only Harry Styles' birthday. We're throwing him a party tonight at our house. Eleanor's coming, Louis is coming, Niall & Violet are coming, Zayn & Perrie are coming, Ed Sheeran is coming, Simon is coming, everyone's coming. Its gunna be huge. Harry's so excited. He's been over here since 6am this morning, decorating the kitchen, living room and basically the entire main floor.

There's going to be vegetable trays, cakes, cupcakes, cubed fruits, fondue and oh-so-much more. It's noon right now and the party starts at five. I'm at the store with Liam right now. We're buying some of the food. Harry's back at our place watching Madison and Max while he decorates and lounges on our sofa.

"What else do we need?" Asked Liam, as we strolled through the aisles of the grocery store. "Paper plates, plastic utensils, plastic cups, chips, snacks-" I said, "And that's not all." Liam took a deep breath. "Okay. I'm glad you've got this covered. I've barely done shopping like this in my life. Nobody came to my 16th birthday, the parties One Direction throws aren't planned and executed by me..." I nodded, "Don't worry. Harry's got a lot of this party under-control too."

Liam let out a deep breath, "Good." I kissed his cheek, "It'll all work out." Liam nodded, "I know. I'm just a little nervous." I smiled at my boyfriend. For the next half an hour we wandered the grocery store, picking up everything we need. We got into line, and began loading our groceries onto the counter. The woman began checking the items out.

"Throwing a party?" The cashier asked Liam and I, as she scanned the pre-made cake. I nodded, pushing the cart through. "Yeah, it's one of our best friends' birthday." She smiled, loading the groceries into plastic bags, "Sounds really fun. How old is your friend turning?" I grabbed two chocolate bars and tossed them into our pile of groceries for Max and Maddie when we get home. They love chocolate.

"He's turned 20 today." I replied, moving over to stand next to Liam. She smiled, "I turn twenty on Valentines Day." I nodded, "Awesome." The cashier didn't really say another word until she was done checking out items out. "That'll be sixty-four dollars and nineteen cents." The lady told us with a smile. "Visa." Said Liam, putting his card into the machine.

He paid, and took the cart. "Thanks, and happy early birthday." I said to the cashier. "Thanks," She replied, moving onto the next customer. Liam pushed the cart out to the car, me following behind him. "What did we get Harry for his birthday?" Asked Liam, opening the car trunk. "What do you mean?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows, "I thought you were getting Harry's present." He shook his head no, turning to me.

"Then we don't have a present for Harry," I said, slumping my shoulders. "Damn." Liam mumbled, "What do we get him?" I shrugged, completely lost. "He has everything he wants," I sighed. We piled the rest of the groceries into the car, while thinking about what we can get for Harry.

I put the cart back, and climbed into the passenger seat. "We could give him Ed-Ginger?" I suggested, buckling my seatbelt, "Harry always loved little Ed." Liam shrugged, "Maddie and Max love little Ed too, though."

"We have two other kittens for Madison and Max," I countered, "I think Ed would be a good gift for Harry." Liam sighed, backing out of our parking space, "It can be a possibility." Liam bargained. "Fine. I agreed, turning on my seat-warmer. "What else do we need to buy while we're out?" Liam asked, as we drove down the road. We stopped at a red light.

"We could go buy something for us?" I suggested, "We never get any 'us' time anymore. I miss that." Liam nodded, "What do we need for 'us' time?" Liam asked, furrowing his eyebrows. I shrugged, "Maybe some chips, popcorn, soda, pillows, blankets, and movies," I decided, "We need to have a date like we would before the kids came along."

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