Ch. 28-Fortune

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Ch. 28-Fortune

*Danielle's POV

It's December 10th.

I got out of the hospital the day after the party. I have to go back later to get the stiches out, though. In total, the amount of stitches in my body is 106. Ow. At least the stitching is a pretty purple and blue. Perrie told the doctor blue & purple are my favourite, which was really nice of her.

I get the stitches out on the 20th. Today Louis, Eleanor, Harry, Perrie, Zayn, Max & I are going to an outdoor carnival. I feel bad that we keep doing things without Liam. I bet he feels really excluded. He didn't do anything that bad. Right?

At the carnival, there's going to be a farris wheel, cotton candy, a merry-go-round, games, and a fortuneteller. Louis and Eleanor are paying for our tickets & lunch.

At the end of the night, there's going to be fireworks. Oh, and there's going to be a Santa and Mrs. Claus at the carnival. Max is going to be able to tell Santa what he wants for Christmas. I'm hoping to win Max a teddy bear. Maybe he'll win himself a teddy bear.

It's actually insane how many words Max knows now. He can probably say 30 words. The average for one year olds is 3-15 words. Max is amazing. Though sometimes he copies what I say, but doesn't know what it means.

Louis and Eleanor are picking us up in their range rover later. Max and I are wearing our winter clothes for the cold weather. I'm glad it's winter. If it were summer I'd have to wear shorts and a t-shirt. My stitches and scrapes would be visible to the entire world.


"Want to try this game?" I asked Max, pointing to a water gun booth. You take the gun, and shoot inside the plastic clowns mouth. A balloon slowly fills up on the clown's head. Once it's full enough that it pops, you win. It's kind of creepy, I must admit, but that's okay.

"I want that!" Max exclaimed, jumping up and down. He pointed up at a giant stuffed 'Woody' from Toy Story. Ugh. "Are you sure?" I asked, "Why don't you choose the cute bunny?"

All the fans that write fan-fictions think Liam is obsessed with Toy Story. They think it's the only thing he watches, and he can quote every word. He's not obsessed. It's his favorite cartoon movie though, and he loves the characters. He'd definitely try and win that Woody.

If that Woody comes home with us, it'll only remind me of my Liam. Who am I kidding? He's not mine.

"No." Max stood his ground. He pointed back up at the character, "I want." I sighed, "Okay. Go give that lady a ticket." I passed my son a blue ticket. He smiled, and ran to the woman. The lady leaned on the counter and looked down. "Hello." She smiled warmly.

Max passed her the ticket, and she took it. She turned around, her blonde & brunette dip-dyed ponytail whipped along behind her. "Do you have your mum here?" She asked. Max turned around and ran to me. He grabbed the bottom of my coat, and dragged me to the woman. I laughed, ruffling Max's hair.

"Right here." Max said, pushing me to the counter. "Hello," Said the woman, "I'm thinking your son might need a little help. He looks pretty young." I nodded, "Thank-you."

"You can use water-gun number three." I nodded, and picked up Max. I plopped him down on the chair, and winced. It hurts my arms to lift them high. I guess I got pretty bruised from my incident at Perrie's party.

Max took hold of the gun, and began to squirt. If you're wondering, Perrie and Zayn went to a roller coaster with Eleanor and Louis. Harry ran off to a kissing booth. I think he's going to volunteer himself. The kissing booth is raising money to buy Christmas gifts & Christmas dinner for families with no money.

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