Ch. 75-Olivia_10

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Ch. 75-Olivia_10

*Eleanor's POV (One week Later)

Today is May Eighteenth 2014. Cameron and Emily were born on May eleventh. They're such good babies. They rarely cry. At first it concerned me, but the doctors said it's normal for pre-mature babies. Now I'm just grateful that I have the privilege of sleeping at night. I've heard that most babies scream themselves to sleep.

Emily has a beautiful blue bedroom, which isn't bad. Blue is a girl color too. Louis and I had started decorating two boy bedrooms. We put together a green dinosaur themed room, and a blue ocean themed room. We figured oceans are girlier then dinosaurs, so we gave Emily the water-themed room.

Emily is sleeping in blue and green sleepers. Oh well. Maybe she'll be a tomboy. I kissed Cameron's forehead, and left his bedroom. I already tucked Emily into bed. I wish Louis was here to help me out, but he's on tour with One Direction. I closed Cameron's door tightly, and tiptoed down the stairs.

I found peace of mind when I went into labor, because a nurse told me that most twins are born pre-mature. Man, it hurt like hell. I'm never going to forget that pain. My Mum and Dad are coming to visit this week to visit their Granddaughter and Grandson. I decided that all of the childbirth pain was all worth it.

Max and Madison are also in love with Cameron and Emily. Max and Madison love feeling like big kids. I'm so pleased with my life. It's amazing. But if I could change one thing, I'd have Louis at home more. I don't want Cameron and Emily growing up not knowing their Daddy.

*Danielle's POV

"You're it!" I cried, tagging Madison's shoulder before dashing away in the other direction. Haha. We didn't run in One Direction. Oh God, I'm pathetic. "Aw!" Madison whined, sticking out her bottom lip, "I'm always it!"

I giggled, placing a gentle hand over my stomach. It's become a habit of mine since I found out I was pregnant. "Madison, you're not going to tag your brother or I if you always stop running to look at flowers." I told her, moving my hands from my stomach, onto my hips.

My daughter immediately smiled, crouching down beside her garden. She gently stroked a tulip pedal, before leaning in to sniff it. "I planted these flowers by my own self."

I nodded, "Mhmm. Yes you did." For the record, Madison actually needed a lot of help to plant the flowers. But she likes to feel like a big girl, so I let her think she planted the flowers by herself. "Stand up and tag me!" Max yelled at his sister. Madison turned to Max, giving him an annoyed glare. "Can't you see I'm busy looking at my flowers?"

I tried to hide my amused smile. "Well we're playing tag. We're not playing stare at flowers." Said Max, crossing his arms. Madison stood up, crossing her own arms and cocking her head at Max, "I wanted to look at my beautiful yellow flowers. I planted them all by myself you know."

I snickered at their mini fight. Max and Madison both snapped their heads towards me, glaring. "Don't laugh at us." Max whined, stomping his foot. I held my hands up in defense, as they resumed their little argument.

I slowly crouched down, until I was lying in the green grass. I'm wearing a beautiful black and white maxi dress today. It's flows beautifully. The only problem is, that it makes my stomach look even more pregnant then it is. It makes me look like I'm 18 weeks, when I'm only 13 weeks.

Anyway, Max is wearing tan cargo shorts that go down to his knees, and a really cute red football jersey. He saw it at the mall, and really wanted to buy it. I had to say yes. You should have seen Max's puppy dog eyes. Madison is wearing jean shorts and a blue t-shirt with pink flowers covering it.

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