Ch. 32-Snuggles

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Ch. 32- Snuggles

*Danielle's POV

I screamed, and slammed my foot on the gas. A million thoughts rushed through my mind. Please don't let me or my son die. The vehicle flung forward, and we went zooming down the road.

I heard the semi-truck drive right through the spot we'd previously been stuck. I screamed again, and quickly turned the wheel out of fear. The car spun in a circle on the road then softly hit the side of the snow-bank. I got a little whiplash from the incident, and began breathing heavily.

I quickly turned around. Max is my top priority. If he's not okay, I'm not okay. My baby sat in his seat with his eyes wide, and chest moving quickly. "Mum?" Max asked, "You ok?" He blinked a few times, than gulped.

I parted my lips slightly, preparing to speak. "Yes baby, mummy is okay," I managed, "Are you?"

Max nodded, "Yes mum." I closed my eyes slowly, and took a deep breath. I turned around again. I sat in my seat, frozen with my hands clutching the wheel. "HEY! MOVE IT LADY!" I heard an angry man scream. I turned around, and saw a short, bald, man in his vehicle honking the horn.

I stuck my tongue out at him, and tried to get the car into reverse. "Come on!" Yelled the man, as he took his truck and went around me. Finally I got the car out of the snow-bank. I took a deep breath as I began to drive again.

Thank-you God for letting us live.

I drove as fast as I could to get to the hospital. I don't want to get stuck in the chunky snow again. I hope the car isn't dented. I know, it's just a car. But it's a really good car, and I don't want it to be ruined. I poked the button to turn on the radio to listen to some music.

I hit the power button, and nothing happened. I began hitting it repeatedly. The radio made a long moan sound, than clunked. Crap. I hate when things stop working properly. Maybe I will need a new vehicle. What would I want? A van if I'm planning on more kids. But how long will it be until I have those kids?

I'll probably just get another car. Maybe one with a little TV for Max, or a sunroof. I daydreamed as I drove. Finally we got to the hospital. I parked the car, and climbed out. I kept the keys into the car to keep it warm for the kittens. I opened Max's door, and unbuckled him. I took him out. I put him on my hip.

"Let's go inside," I said to Max, as I slammed his door shut. "Walk." Said Max, trying to squirm out of my arms. "No Max," I apologized, "The snow is up to your waist." He frowned, but stopped squirming. "Sorry baby." I said as I trudged through the snow.

I carried him up to the hospital door. I let the automatic door open, and blow a warm gust at me. I let out a deep breath. Please don't let anything be wrong with Max. I carried him to the front desk. "I'm here for Max Payne-Peazer." I said, as I set my song down on the front counter. "We're meeting with Dr. Card."

The man typed into the computer. "2nd floor, room five-hundred." He told me. "Thanks," I said, taking Max and setting him on the ground. "Let's go baby." I said, taking his little hand in mine. We decided to take the stairs instead of the elevator. What if the elevator crashed or something? I can't take any more worry today.

We got to the floor, and walked down the hall. I lightly knocked on room 500. "Hello?" I asked, pushing it open. "Ah, Ms. Peazer," Said Dr. Card, "Come. Take a seat." I smiled, and walked inside. Dr. Card was typing up some things on the computer. I sat down, and put Max on my lap.

The doctor wheeled his chair over to me, and put his chin in his hands. "I'm quickly going to do some eye-sight, reflexes, and small tests with Max." I nodded, wondering what exactly 'small tests' meant. Twenty minutes later we were done, and awaiting Dr. Card's diagnosis.

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