Ch. 14-Prada

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Ch. 14-Prada

*Danielle's POV

Liam took one last look at Max, before pulling the door open and leaving. The door slammed closed behind him. That was that. Game over. No more Liam. I am gutted. Absolutely gutted. Horrified, pained, speechless. In what world would it be okay with Liam to say something like that? Definitely not this world. I don't think there's any world where that would be acceptable.

Especially when it's his child. I sat down on the end of Max's bed. I blinked a few times, processing the last few minutes of hell. I started rubbing Max's little tummy. He's so warm right now. I think he's broken out with a fever. On top of his concussion, he's getting a cold.

I just don't think I have a reason to move from this bed. I don't need to go anywhere. I just need to be right here, with my baby boy. Maybe I'll check myself into the hospital, and stay here forever. Where there are doctors on hand. And meals provided for patients. I don't want to go home where I have to cook and clean.

I shivered a few moments later, and realized how cold I really was. I rubbed both my arms with the opposite hand, warming them with friction. It's actually really cold in here.

Maybe it's the fact that it's November. Maybe it's the fact that I'm in a sad mood. I'm always cold when I'm sad. Every single time. I slid off Max's bed, and reached into my bag. I pulled out the first soft thing I felt. I looked at it, and frowned. It's the sweater Liam gave me. I looked at its cold, itchy fabric. I can't believe this rag ever meant something to me. I don't even remember why I brought it.

Oh yes. I thought it would comfort Max and I. Boy, was I wrong about that.

I'm never giving this crap to Max. He deserves so much more. I have to get rid of this. I have to take out my anger on it. I stood up, and looked around the hospital room. There has to be some sorts of blade that can help me wreck this stupid sweater.

Finally, my eyes met a pair of scissors, sitting on the counter. I jogged over to them, and picked them up. I mentally prepared to ruin the sweater. I began to fold the sweater, than cut out pieces like a snowflake. Sweater bits fluttered to the ground as I cut. I cut, and cut, and cut.

I put the scissors down, and admired my work. I held it up, and watched the light shine through the holes like a disco ball without color. But this isn't good enough. This sweater needs to be un-wearable. I scanned the room once again, until my eyes met the toilet. Good.

I walked into the open-doored restroom, and looked inside. A small sink, and an average toilet. I smiled to myself, flicking on the light. I lifted the toilet seat, and looked inside. A couple pieces of toilet paper floated in the yellow water. A gross odor floated out from the toilet.

It's Perfect.

I put the sweater between my thumb and index finger. I held Liam's sweater over the toilet. Here it goes. I let go, and watched in slow motion as the sweater splashed into the water. A few drops of water splashed out onto the ground. Let it die, let it die. Let it drown in the water and die.

Slowly, the sweater sunk under the water. The toilet was small, so the whole sweater couldn't be under at once. I picked up a plunger from beside the toilet, and began to poke the sweater down. At first it was light pokes, then it turned into aggressive stabs.

I began to yell, and stab the sweater down the toilet. "I hate you Liam!" I screamed, even though that sweater isn't Liam. I continued attacking the fabric for the next minute. After my breakdown was done, I tossed the plunger on the ground. Next, I flushed the toilet.

It began to flush regularly, than begin to flood. The water slowly raised, and leaked over the edge. Good. That's what it's like with Liam. He annoys you, but you shrug it off. He doesn't care about your son. You cry about it. But finally, he just pushes you over the edge when he calls your son stupid.

A couple tears threatened to fall, but I pushed them right back inside. Liam doesn't deserve my tears.

I turned off the bathroom light, and closed the door. The sweater can suffer by itself. It might bite me in the butt later, when the water leaks under the door. Shaking my head, I walked back to Max's bed and looked at my son. I wish his father genuinely cared. Cared enough, that he wouldn't call his son stupid. I wish he cared so much, that he'd say Max was magnificent. Or handsome, or cute, or sweet, or something positive.

Now Max isn't going to have a father to grow up with. No dad on Father's day. Well, there will be a dad, but he won't be there. I took a deep breath, watching my son sleep. I leaned my head back, closing my eyes. I heard my neck crack a few times. I guess I am really sore. I could use a massage.

I rubbed my neck a few times, before standing straight again. Maybe I'll find Max a new father someday. Someone Max could call father. Someone who would deserve a wonderful son like Max. I love my baby boy.

I watched Berry nuzzle herself into Max's sheets, and purr. I felt my heart grow a little, seeing the love that kitten shares with our family. Everyone in the world, needs a good kitten in there life. I was trying to convince Perrie of that this morning. She said she wasn't sure if she'd get one.

I hope she does, because then her Kitten, and Berry could be best friends.

If Perrie adopts a kitten, I'm taking full credit.

*Perrie's POV

"Oh my goodness!" I exclaimed, bending down to the rows of cages. "This is too much cuteness in one room!" I gushed over the kittens. Kittens of all colors, shapes, fluffiness, and species! Meows filled the room, each kitten begging to be adopted.

"They are pretty cute." Said Zayn, trying to be excited, but still trying to be 'manly' at the same time. He bent down next to me. "Look at this one!" I said, trying to point through the glass. "Aw," said Zayn, "She's so fluffy." This kitten was sleeping in the back corner of the cage.

I grinned, and wiggled my finger at the glass. "Hey kitty." I said, trying to lure the kitten towards me. Slowly, the kitten's eyes opened. When she realized Zayn and I were looking at her, she made her way towards us.

If you're wondering, Zayn and I are adopting a kitten! You're probably figured that out. I looked at the sticker on the glass of the cage.

"This is her info." I told Zayn. I turned back to the kitten as Zayn read it over. "She's perfect." Said Zayn. "Can we get her?" I asked Zayn, grinning. "Pleeease?" I stuck my bottom lip out, and motioned to the cage. "Look at her little whiskers."

Zayn turned to the cage. The grey and white kitten was on her hind legs leaning against the glass. She licked the glass, and I giggled. "Okay, fine." Said Zayn, winking at me. "Yay!" I clapped. "I'll get a person." Said Zayn, standing up. I watched him walk away to find someone to help us.

I'm so, so lucky to have Zayn in my life. He's amazing. I can't believe we're getting married. It's insane. I'm so young, but this is perfect. I auditioned for X-Factor so my mum would buy me a phone, and I ended up winning. Then, I was put in a group with my new best friends.

Then, I met Zayn. Then, I got engaged. Now, we're adopting a new member of the family. It was actually Danielle's idea. I love her and Max's kitten Berry! She's adorable! Maybe our new kitten can be friends with Berry. That reminds me, Zayn and I will have to pick a name for our new girl!

I'm thinking Prada.

Liam James Payne


Danielle Claire Peazer


Max Ethan Payne

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