Ch. 50-Camping Trip

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Ch. 50-Camping Trip

*Danielle's POV

I cuddled my two children while watching Toy Story. Madison in my right arm, Max in my left. Both Madison and Max fell asleep right away. I did have the chance to change them into their matching onesies though. Madison's onesie is purple with pink butterflies, and Max's are blue with green grasshoppers.

I guess it's been a long day, today. I wish I could fall asleep, but I still have housework to do. I'm still angry with the daycare woman from earlier today, and I'm still upset with myself that I gave Madison strawberries. How could I have been so stupid? My daughter could have died today, and it'd be all my fault.

I was also just a little bit upset that Madison's first word was Daddy. I guess Daddy is an easier word to pronounce than 'Mummy' though. I'm just glad Maddie is warming up to the family, and has started speaking. That's progress, and I've already gotten over it.

In all honesty, I'm not sure where my life is going right now. All the boys are away camping for Zayn's birthday. Perrie just got back from doing some signings with Little Mix. Violet's back home, and so is Eleanor. I'm really excited for Eleanor to have her baby. She really loves the names Bethany, and Hayden right now.

Max is really excited to have a new little friend to play with. I'm excited to have a new little niece or nephew to play with and love. Max and Maddie are growing up so fast. I know they are only a year old, but still. I guess time is going to fly once they're in pre-school.

Madison's burns are also healing well, which is making me really happy for her. I don't like it when she's hurt. I'm just glad this family is finally starting to piece together.

*Harry's POV

I hummed along to Counting Stars by One Republic, which was playing on the radio. I looked out the car window, watching the trees just fly past. Actually, I'm the one driving, so I'm flying past the trees. The boys and I are going away for Zayn's birthday. Today is Zayn's birthday, January 12th

We're going winter camping about an hour South of London. I'm really excited because I had great fun last time the boys and I went camping. We're all taking our own cars out camping, because we need lots of room in the backseats for camping supplies. It is winter camping, and it's cold.

I packed lots of hoodies, beanies, socks, hot chocolate, and warm blankets. I just wish I had a girlfriend to snuggle with. Zayn has Perrie, Liam has Danielle, Niall has Violet, and Louis has Eleanor. I know, I know. The girlfriends aren't even coming on the trip with us. But still, I wish I had someone to love.

I've been hanging out with Kendall Jenner lately, because she's a real sweet girl. I don't see getting into a relationship with her, though. I mean, her family is one of the most dramatic families in America. I don't really want to get myself into that. But she is a good friend. Plus, I think she has a boyfriend.

On another note, I'm on my way to the campsite now. Honestly, I have no idea which direction I'm going in. Me, being the forgetful idiot I am, forgot the directions to the campsite at home. But that's okay, because Harry Styles has killer navigation skills. The song on the radio changed to Demons by Imagine Dragons.

I absolutely love this song. I turned it up, and started to sing along while I looked for a familiar landmark. They boys and I went out to this campsite once before, but Liam had been the one driving. I was the one in the backseat annoying Niall, Louis, and Zayn.

I looked out the window, not seeing anything even remotely familiar. Sighing, I took out my phone to check where I was on my GPS. All there is is a long, long road. And trees. I'm going nowhere. I continued watching the phone GPS while I drove, until a small building appeared on the device.

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