Ch. 18-Bewwy Please

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Ch. 18-Bewwy Please

*Danielle's POV

I forced myself to stand, so I could pick up Max. My mouth lay agape, while the tears puddled in the corners of my eyes. I lifted Max from the crib, and put him on my hip. I forced my legs to walk to Max's rocking chair. I sat down in it, barely processing. Finally, I turned my head to the heart-breaking sight.

Berry's dead body lay motionless in the corner.


I sat down on my bed with my laptop. I opened it, and tried to get to the video feed. I watched over the security camera footage from Max's room, to see what exactly happened to Berry. Max sat in my lap, sniffling and hiccupping. I rubbed his back, as he sucked his thumb.

My other hand was used to click things on the computer, as I tried to get the video feed. Finally, the video appeared from the screen. The time stamp read 7:50pm; about 2 minutes before I'd went upstairs.

I watched the video. Max sat in his crib, holding the phone over his face. The light of the phone lit up the room, and made Max occasionally giggle. The only other light in the room was the star nightlight that sat on Max's change table.

I braced myself for what was going to happen. Berry was laying on Max's stomach, sleeping. She shifted positions. In the process, she woke up. She licked Max's arm, and rubbed her cheek on him. "Bewwy." Said Max, petting his kitten.

Berry climbed off Max, and jumped out of the crib onto the floor. She looked around the room. Finally, she wandered into the corner where...

The corner where we found her body. She curled into a ball on one of Max's sweaters, and closed her eyes. She looked like she did on any other day when she was going to take a nap. I don't think that's how the story will end.

Then her eyes opened, and she began to meow. She began meowing like crazy, and thrashing all around. Her paws left claw marks on Max's dresser, as her arms and legs flailed along on her side. That's when Max put down the phone and stood up.

He put his hands on the side of the crib, and turned to see what was going on. Berry thrashed around, meowing and hissing. "Bewwy." Said Max, pointing at the kitten. That's when Berry stopped moving and meowing. Max began to jump up and down in his crib, "Bewwy, Bewwy!"

It looked like she'd calmed down. But she hadn't. She'd died. Her body lay in the same position where I found her. "Bewwy." Said Max again. "Bewwy." Said Max in a pained voice. That's when Max began to scream for me. "Kitty." Said Max, as tears began to stream down his cheeks. "Bewwy kitty!" He cried.

A few times, Berry would breath, or move her paws, but after a few moments she lay still again. Completely stopped moving. Berry had died. Moments later Max was in complete hysterics. That's when the door burst open revealing me. Quickly, I closed my laptop.

I leaned back in my chair, and let the tears drip down my cheeks. Max sat in my lap, sniffling and crying. "Bewwy." He whispered, "Bewwy Tree. Mum, Bewwy."

All I could do was shake my head. There's nothing I can do about it now. Berry's gone. "Mummy will be right back baby." I said, laying Max down on my bed. He nodded, and crawled into my pile of pillows.

I climbed off my bed, and out my door into Max's room. I took a deep breath, walking inside. The first thing my eyes met was Berry, lying on the ground. Same position she'd been in before. Slowly, I approached the kitten.

"Berry," I whispered, kneeling down next to her. I slowly pet her stomach. "Baby, wake up." She didn't move. "Berry," I said, picking up the kitten in my hands. "C'mon Berry, let's go see Maxy."

Still, she stayed completely still. A tear dripped down my cheek, onto Berry's little body. "Please Berry," I whispered, my voice cracking. "I need you. Max needs you. Come on, wake up."

The kitten stay in the same position. Slowly, I lay her back down on the sweater. I put my head in my hands. That's when the realization hit me. She's gone. I wiped the tears from under my eyes. "Meow." I heard come from Berry. I looked up, and saw Berry.

She still wasn't moving. Slowly, I turned around. I saw Max standing in the doorway. "Meow kitty." Said Max, pointing to Berry. A few tears rolled down his pink cheeks. "C'mere baby." I said, holding out my arms. It took a couple moments, but Max finally walked over to me.

"Good walking, bud." I said, kissing the top of his head. He plopped himself down in my lap. "Bewwy." Said Max, leaning forward to pet the kitten. "Wakey wakey, Bewwy." Another tear dripped from my cheek.

"Max, honey." I said. "Bewwy," Said Max, dragging on the name. "Wakey, wakey."

"Stop Max." I said, rubbing his little arms, "Berry's not going to wake up today."

"Bewwy, Bewwy." Said Max, picking up the kitten and laying her on his lap. "Bewwy wakey." I took a deep breath. I have to be the adult here. "No Max." I said firmly. I picked up Berry, and put her down on the sweater. I stood up, picking up Max with me.

"No!" Max cried, and began to thrash around like Berry had. "Stop it Max!" I exclaimed, afraid that I'd start crying with him. I struggled to hold him in my arms. "Bewwy!" Max cried, reaching out his arms towards the kitten.

"BEWWY!" Max screamed in a high-pitched tone. "BEWWY I WUV YOU!" He cried, trying to get me to put him down. "No baby!" I said, finally getting him out of the room. I put him on the floor, and closed his bedroom door. "NO!" Max screamed, and began to pound on the door.

"Bewwy!" He screamed, pounding his chubby hands on the wooden door, "I wuv you!"

That's when I lost it.

I sat down beside Max. "Shh Max." I whispered, reaching over to pick up my son. "NO MUM!" Max cried, shoving me away. "BEWWY!" He cried. I buried my face in my hands and sobbed.

Max screamed until his voice was hoarse, and his eyelids began to shut from tiredness. "Pwease." He whispered, as he slowly stopped pounding.

"Mumma." He said, reaching out his arms to me. I lifted under his armpits, and pulled him onto my lap. "You can sleep with mum tonight, baby." I said, standing up. "Bewwy." Max whispered, as his eyes slowly closed. "You're tired bud." I whispered, laying him down in my bed.

I moved the laptop, and lifted the covers. Max crawled under them. I tucked the clean sheets around the small body. I kissed his forehead. "Love you bud."

"Bewwy." Max whispered, before falling asleep almost instantly. I wiped the tear stains off Max's cheeks, and off my own.

I flicked off the light, and crawled to the other side of my boy. I crawled under the covers, and lay my head down on the pillow. Tomorrow I'll figure out what happened to Berry. Tomorrow we'll deal with Berry's body. We'll invite Louis, Perrie, and Eleanor and give Berry a funeral. The best damn funeral you'll ever see.

A/N: Hay guys! I just wanted to say thanks soooo much for 100 reads on Max & Me already! Thanks for reading!

Liam James Payne


Danielle Claire Peazer


Max Ethan Payne

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