Ch. 9-Head First

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Ch. 9- Head First

**Liam's POV

I can't believe this. I have a son. A son! I don't know whether I'm exclaimed that in joy, confusion, or a mix of the both. I... just don't know what I'm feeling. I don't even know his name.

I'll just call him Oliver in my head, until I find out his real name. Oliver's a cute name. It'll make is easier for me to think about him, without getting confused. He's so adorable. He doesn't look anything like me, or Danielle though.

I wish I could have Oliver in my life. Niall has no idea that Oliver is Danielle, and I's son. "What's going on?" Niall asked me, as he drove. "Nothing." I lied. "Who was that baby?" asked Niall. "I don't know." I half-lied. I don't exactly know who he is... I don't know his name, birthday, or anything like that.

"You're lying." Said Niall, "Tell me the truth. I took the time to drive you here. You have to tell me." I stared at Niall, "No I don't."

"It was worth a shot." Niall shrugged. I rolled my eyes, and leaned my head on the window. I'm a father, and I wasn't there for Danielle. She went through 9 months of pregnancy, plus labor, plus keeping Oliver at home for the last year, without anyone knowing.

Especially the paparazzi. How did they not figure it out? How did I not figure it out?

Danielle stopped posting pictures of herself on twitter, or Instagram. When she did, they were only the face and shoulders. The photo's hid her stomach. All of them. She took a break from dancing for awhile too. Oh god, how did I not realize? All the puzzle pieces are fitting together...

The only thing is, why didn't she tell me about Oliver? Oh yeah, maybe because I have Sophia. Don't get me wrong, Sophia's a wonderful girl, but she's no Danielle. Sophia just goes along with anything anyone says. Danielle stands her ground.

Sometimes it's annoying, but at least she's not wishy washy with her decisions. She makes the decision, and doesn't change it.

*Danielle's POV

Why did I decide to keep Max? Because, he was perfect. When he was born, I had planned to give him up for adoption, but changed my mind. The family that was supposed to take him were devastated. I felt really bad, but I hadn't signed any papers yet.

Max is legally mine, don't worry. I sat on the couch with Max in my lap. He was pointing out pictures in his 'Babies LearnTo Read' book. "That's a tiger." I told Max, as he pointed to the orange and white animal. "Tige." Said Max. I smiled.

"Dis." Said Max, pointing to a chicken."Chicken." I told Max. "Cken." Said Max. "Good job baby." I said, and kissed the top of his head. We continued this ritual for the next four pages. "All done." I said, closing the book. "Gen." said Max, picking up the book, opening it.

"No bud, we already read it six times." Max gave me a pouty look, but didn't whine. "Good baby." I said, and put him down on the ground, with the book.

It's probably about time for dinner. I looked at the clock, and saw that it was already 5. I wonder what I shouldmake. Max is probably starving, as well as me. Neither of us have eaten all day, due to being sick. I can't hold anything down for more then 10 minutes.

Eleanor left an hour ago, because she's going to visit her mum for a family reunion. She was such help today, which was wonderful. She was really supportive, even when I tried to push her away.

"Hungry?" I asked Max, doing the sign-language sign for hungry. That's how I've been trying to teach Max to ask for food. Since he can't talk much, it's an easy little motion. He gave me the signal back, smiling his little five-teeth smile.

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