Ch. 67-Waiting

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Ch. 67-Waiting

Danielle's POV

"I hate Daddy." Max repeated, crossing his chubby little arms. My mouth slowly fell open, and my heart felt like it was torn from my chest. "N-No bud..." I whispered, lifting the blanket off my legs and putting it down on the back of the sofa. Max's lip quavered, and more salty tears began rolling down his cheeks.

"Daddy hurts Mommy's feelings. Daddy is never home with Maddie and me and Mommy. Daddy kisses other girl. Daddy goes to the Big Ben with the other girl. Daddy holds the other girls hand. Daddy doesn't play with Maddie and me anymore. Daddy hates Maddie, Mommy and Max, so I hate Daddy."

Madison nodded in agreement with her brother, walked over to Max and put her arm around his shoulders. "We only love Mommy," Madison explained in her cute, squeaky one-year old voice, "And each other. Not Daddy. Daddy hurts us feelings. I don't like having hurted feelings."

I crouched down next to my two babies, and pulled them into a large hug. "No hugs," Said Max, shaking himself out of my hug. "Mum, I hate Daddy. I don't like Daddy anymore." Said Max, stepping away from Madison and I. Now Madison's lip began to quaver, "B-But I miss Daddy," Said Madison, her caramel eyes that match Liam's so well, began watering over.

"No Maddie. Daddy only hurts us again and again." Said Max, crossing his arms and stomping away, and up the stairs to his bedroom. Tears began to lightly roll down Madison's cheeks, as she tossed her arms around me for another hug. "Is Daddy coming home?" Madison sobbed into my shoulder.

"I-I don't know..." I replied, my own voice cracking. I don't know what to think anymore. "I love dat Daddy," Madison choked, arms securely around my neck for comfort, "I really love dat Daddy. Please don't make dat Daddy leave like my old Daddy had to." I felt like the rest of my internal organs, such as the liver, lungs, and stomach was ripped from my chest.

"I had bad dream during sleep," Madison told me, pulling away from the hug and looking into my eyes with great sadness. "You did?" I asked, sticking out my bottom lip in sympathy for my little girl. "Yeah," Maddie replied, sniffling, "Old Mum and Dad were stuck in the orange house," Madison explained, rubbing her eyes. "They were stuck in their sleeping room then a big guy got me from my own sleeping room."

The fire.

The orange house.

Mum and Dad stuck in the orange house.

"Don't worry baby, it's over," I sighed, pulling my daughter into my lap and stoking her short brown hair. She began to cry into my chest. "I-I don't want this Daddy to go bye-bye..." Madison whispered, "I love him."


I hope up in a horrible mood. Loud rain poured down outside, along with the thrashing sounds of lightning, and booming thunder. To make it all worse, Max's cries echoed from his bedroom, chorusing along with Madison's whining and yelling from her own room.

I looked at my alarm clock. 6am. Ugh. I rolled out of my sheets, and pulled my purple robe on. Liam got me this robe. I love it, even though I'm having trouble deciding whether I love Liam, or not. This robe is very excellent quality.

I walked into the hall, and pushed Max's door open. I scooped the crying child from his crib, and went into Madison's room. I lifted her into my other arm, and left the room. I carried the two sniffling children down the stairs and into the living room. I put the babies down on the sofa, and turned Tree House onto the TV.

Groggily, I fell back into my recliner. I need to start dancing again. I'm getting quite out of shape. Though, Max and Maddie really keep my on my toes. They're trouble, I'm telling you. I pulled the lever on the recliner, making it go backwards. I closed my eyes, trying to savor another possible hour of sleep.

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