Ch. 25-Party Time

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Ch. 25-Party Time

*Danielle's POV

My mouth hung open at the three orange kittens. They shivered in their fur, meowing constantly. We found Berry on the street right across from this bush... These are Berry's siblings. I wonder where their mom and dad are. They were probably born out here. They're probably been out here since before we found Berry.

We took Berry away from them.

"Hi kitties." I said, slowly petting one of them. The one I pet was very small. It had an ear missing, and two different colored eyes, blue and green. "Want to come home with me?" I asked them, smiling at the group.

They all meowed, huddling close for warmth. One of the other kittens had a lot of white in it. Bright blue eyes and perfectly straight ears. I wouldn't even think it was a stray. The last one was significantly bigger then the others. Very orange, with bright blue eyes.

I took off my hat. "Slowly, I picked up the kittens. I lay them each inside the roomy beanie. They meowed and snuggled together. "C'mon Max, let's take these babies home."


I got dressed in my red lace dress and Max wore his little tux. I did my hair down in a side fishtail braid. I applied nude lipstick, and jet-black mascara. Black heels finished off the look. Max wore a little grey suit. I combed his hair to the side, and slicked it back. He looks so cute!

We brought the three kittens home. I looked checked their genders... The big orange one is a girl, the missing ear one with two different color eyes is a boy, and the perfect kitten was also a girl. Max and I picked names for two of them, but we're not sure for the last one.

The perfectly straight ears one, with lots of white, and who is a girl, I named her Sassy. We named the large orange one Atlantis. We're still dreaming up a name for the disabled kitty. I feel so bad for him. He's having trouble walking and responding to voice. Especially since his ear is missing.

We put all the kittens on my bed. They immediately buried themselves into the blankets. I brought up some of Berry's food, and gave it to them too. Along with a dish of milk to share. Max and I would have stayed longer, to help them get used to the house. But we had to get ready for the event, and go.

Max and I are carpooling with Eleanor & Louis, Niall & Violet, and Harry to Zayn and Perrie's. We're taking a limo! I was hoping Max would be awake to enjoy it, but he fell asleep a few minutes ago. Hopefully he wakes up when we arrive.

Eleanor looks so beautiful tonight. She's wearing a dress similar to mine only it's black. Louis is wearing a black tux with a blue tie to compliment El's black dress. Eleanor's hair is beautiful too. She curled it perfectly, then wore red lipstick. On her feet, she chose some white heels.

Violet is wearing a gorgeous silver dress, Niall is wearing color cordianting tie too. It was hard for Niall to find a tie to go with Violet's dress. Eventually he just wore a silver tie. Violet looks beautiful too. Her hair is up in a perfect bun. Her makeup is natural. On her feet she has silver ballerina flats.

I wish I had someone to color coordinate with. Wait, Harry's wearing a red tie like my dress. "Yo Harry," I called to him. He looked up from his phone. "Want to be my date?" I asked, winking. He laughed, "Why?"

I scoffed, "Because Hazza. Your tie goes with my dress. I need to color coordinate with someone."

"Okay, sure." He said, shrugging. He put his phone in his pocket and slid over beside me. "So, why didn't you find a date for tonight?" I asked, "Handsome man like you could find a girl easily." I smiled at him, leaning my head on his shoulder.

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