Ch. 19-Funeral

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Ch. 19-Funeral

*Danielle's POV

Today we're having Berry's funeral. It took Max a long time to get to sleep last night. We were both up until almost four in the morning. The funerals going to be at 2pm, and its noon now. I called El, Niall, Louis, and Perrie. They're all coming over for the 'event'.

I woke up before Max this morning. It was good, because I had to deal with Berry's body. I took an old shoebox and lay a couple scarves inside. Berry's body was placed on the top. I just can't believe she's gone.

I also got a chance to call an animal clinic this morning. They said it sounds like Berry suffered toxoplasmosis. I guess it's the most common death for kittens this age. I guess Berry's mother had been infected during her pregnancy. More then one kitten in the litter was probably infected.

The other possibility was Roundworm migrations, but they weren't sure about that with Berry's young age. Either way, Berry's gone. I'm just going to have to accept the fact that Max's only friend is dead.

I'm just feeding Max lunch now. He's mostly eating himself, but needs help with scooping his yogurt. If I don't help him, he'll end up wearing his food.

I gave Max the last scoops of food, than put the spoon down. He can eat the rest himself. I stood up, and brushed my hands on my jeans. I need to go change into black. It's only appropriate.

I walked up the stairs to change into my all black outfit.


"Berry Peazer," Said Perrie, as she started her speech for the kitten. "Was a very cute girl."

"She'd lick your feet, or rub herself on your ankles so you'd pet her." Perrie dabbed the corners of her eyes with her handkerchief. We're really going all out right now.

Eleanor sniffled. I hugged Max closer.

We're in the living room. It's too cold to hold the funeral outside. Louis said he and Niall would dig out a hole in the snow, so we can dig into the ground to bury Berry today. Max insisted Berry wears one of his sweaters so she doesn't 'be cold'. Max asked by saying, "Bewwy sweater mum. No be cold."

He's learning so many words as the days go by. Max is dressed in a little black suit, and I can't lie. He looks so cute in it. Even if he is wearing it for this sad funeral, I couldn't help taking a picture of him.

I can't share the picture with anyone other then Niall, Eleanor, Louis, and Perrie, but I still want pictures of my son growing up. Imagine having no pictures from your childhood? That'd be horrible.

Louis put his arm around Eleanor, and she put her face on Louis' shoulder. "We'll all miss her." Said Perrie, nodding her head and stepping back. Niall mumbled an agreement, as he stood beside Perrie. Since Zayn doesn't know about Max, he wasn't invited.

Zayn is starting to wonder why Perrie's always coming over here without him. I might have to tell him soon.

"Anyone else?" I asked, sniffling. Everyone shook their heads no. We've all spoke about Berry already. Everyone but Max. "Max baby," I said, turning to look at him, "You wanna try and talk about Berry?"

"Yes mom." Said Max. "Bewwy kitty," Said Max seriously, "Bewwy kitty cute." I smiled at my son, as he tried to make sentences. "Bewwy my kitty." Max added. I ruffled his blonde hair. He stopped talking after that.

"That all baby?" I asked. "Yes mum." He said, quickly hugging me. "Well I guess that's it." I said. "Wait," Said Perrie, halting me. "What?" I asked. "I prepared a song to sing for Berry..." I nodded, "Okay, uh, go ahead." Perrie cleared her throat.

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