Ch. 35-Sorry

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Ch. 35-Sorry

*Danielle's POV

Our lips touched, and bombs exploded. It felt like when I'd kissed Liam in the hospital. It felt even better then that, because the guilt of Liam having a girlfriend wasn't eating alive at me. Slowly, Liam released my face, and moved his hands to my hips. I grinned, and slowly opened my eyes.

Liam did the same. When our eyes met, Liam blushed. I bit my bottom lip, and looked down at my feet. The room was dead silent. Slowly, Liam slid his hands into mine. I quietly gulped. I feel really bad for screaming at him, then telling him I love him and letting him kiss me.

I don't know why I let that happen. "So," Liam whispered, sliding one of his hands off mine, and lifting my chin. Liam looked into my eyes, his eyes sparkling with joy. "Can I talk to you?" He asked, sliding off his headband. "Sure." I whispered, feeling at a loss for words. What the hell just happened?

*Liam's POV

I grabbed Danielle's face, pulling her into a kiss. Our lips touched, and bombs went off. The complete rest of the room fell silent, and the only thing that mattered was Danielle and I. Slowly, I let go of Danielle's face, and rested my hands on her hips. I felt Danielle grin into the kiss.

I opened my eyes, and saw Danielle just opening her eyes as well. Danielle stared into my eyes, and gulped. I blushed. Oh God, I blushed. Danielle bit her lower lip and looked down at her feet, clearly embarrassed. I took my hands off her hips, and slid my hands into hers.

"So," I whispered, sliding one hand out of Danielle's, and lifted her chin. "Can I talk to you?" I asked. "Sure." She whispered breathlessly. Holding her hand tightly, I led her off to the guest room. Once we turned to walk down the hallway, everyone began to whisper. I shook my head, as I opened the bedroom door.

"Liam," Danielle whispered, pulling her hand out of mine. "Yes, love?" I whispered, putting a hand on the doorframe and leaning on it. She looked down at her shoes, then back up. "Nothing, never-mind." She said, shaking her head. I gave her an odd look, "Okay."

I walked into the bedroom, and waited inside the door. Danielle cautiously walked into the room. I closed the door behind us, and leaned on it. Danielle didn't bother to turn and look at me. She just walked to the window, and looked outside into the snow. Danielle crossed her arms, and sniffled.

"Love," I whispered, walking towards her. "No, Liam." Said Danielle, dodging out of the way of me. "What did I do?" I asked, "Danielle, I'll do anything to be a part of your and Max's lives. Name it, and I'll do it. I swear."

Danielle leaned forward, her head hitting the wall. She sighed, and continually began hitting her head on the light yellow wall. "You're going to hurt yourself," I said, "Danielle." I said firmly, reaching forward and putting my hands on her shoulders. I turned her around, and looked into her eyes. "What's wrong?" I asked.

"I'm sorry Liam," Danielle whispered, "I'm sorry I didn't tell you I was pregnant in the first place. I'm sorry I didn't let you come to Max's ultrasounds, and you didn't get to be there when the doctor gave me the first photo of Max. I'm sorry you didn't get to be there when he was being born. I'm sorry you never got to hold newborn Max in the hospital. I'm sorry I didn't let you help raise him. I'm sorry you didn't see his first words, or his first steps. I'm sorry you didn't see him when he held his bottle for the first time. I'm sorry you missed his first Christmas. I'm sorry you missed his first birthday. I'm sorry you never got to see him use a pacifier, because he's already grown out of it. I'm sorry you didn't get to help with his first bath, or help him eat his first hard food. I'm ever sorry that you missed the screaming and crying filled nights, because I really could have used some help. I'm sorry you didn't get to see him stand for the first time, and you didn't get to see how sweet he was with his kitten Berry, and how huge his heart it. I mean, his heart is still big and full of love so I'm sure you'll get a chance to see it. Point is, Liam, I'm sorry. I know all these thing are out of order, and maybe a little confusing but I love you, and I'm real sorry."

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