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"Alright class, I'll be your sensei. My name is Aio let's go outside for introductions, I have a little activity planned," a blue haired guy waltzed into the classroom before walking back out. The rest of the kids in my class just following cautiously behind him, unsure whether it was a trap or not.

We reached a large plain area of land and stood in a circle as Aio sensei instructed us as soon as we reached him. He had a clipboard in his hand and a cheerful smile on his face. I yawned and grumbled to myself as he started talking.

"Let's introduce ourselves with a little game. When we reach you, say your name and then show us your best technique," Aio sensei announced before turning to one of the boys from earlier this morning with Uncle Choza and Uncle Inoichi.

"Hello, I'm Choro Akimichi!" the red headed boy said proudly, stepping into the circle and then shouting, "expansion jutsu!"

He turned into a giant ball and rolled around a little bit before turning back to normal and standing back in his previous place. So, he must be Uncle Choza's son whom he speaks so highly of.

"Hi, my name is Inoiché Yamanaka," the blonde boy beside Choro introduced himself before looking at Ren and smirking, "mind transfer jutsu."

Inoiché's body dropped to the floor as Ren started walking around.

"I'm Ren and I don't look where I'm going before barging into a classroom," Ren mocked himself, so he is Uncle Inoichi's son, why're their names so similar, hm?

"That's enough Inoiché," Aio sensei sighed as people laughed at the sight while others just looked at it unamused, me included.

We went around a ton of people before it reached Ren who was pouting the whole time.

"I'm Ren Haruno," he introduced himself before walking over to Inoiché who was bleeding out of a small cut on his cheek (must've been from his fall earlier) and a green glow covered his hand as he raised it to the Yamanaka kids face. One minute the cut was there, the next it was gone.

As I watched people, not many people had much, there was a couple Uchiha's so they had their sharingan and then there were four Hyuga's with their byakugans. An Inuzuka with a black ninja hound, some bug person and a bunch of other random things. Most people just did a transformation jutsu as their 'best technique'.

My turn.

"What a drag, ok. I'm Shikarei Nara," I introduced myself with a lazy sigh before closing my eyes and then opening them slowly, abruptly falling to my knees, "shadow possession jutsu. Complete."

Raising my left arm above my head, everyone in the circle did as well. I looked down to see my shadow had split into dozens of strands and connected with everyone else's, allowing me to control what they did.

"Impressive," Aio sensei praised me, and I just shrugged before retracting my shadow and standing back up, dusting my knees and yawning again.

"Well now we know everyone, let's go to class," Aio sensei announced cheerfully again.


"Hey," the boys Inoiché and Choro sat in front of me at lunch.

"Hi?" I replied with a confused look.

"Mind if we sit with you?" Choro asked as they both pulled out their lunches.

I don't think I have a choice but to accept.

"Sure, do whatever," I sighed before noticing a certain pink haired boy looking for someone to sit with, "Ren!"

His head snapped over in our direction.

"Want to sit with us? Or are we not interesting enough?" I asked him, Inoiché and Choro turned to him and smiled. Ren grinned and ran over, pulling over a chair and sitting opposite Choro.

"Definitely not," Ren smiled before leaning over and putting his hand over a cut on Inoiché's forehead, "how'd you cut yourself?"

"I cut myself?" Inoiché questioned, oblivious to the cut that was on his head and now wasn't.

I just rolled my eyes and started eating.


"Hello, Princess," Pa greeted me as I entered the house.

"Hi, Pa," I greeted him and threw my stuff on the floor before falling face first on the sofa. I felt someone lift me and looked to see Pa carrying me over to the shogi board he always verses Lord Hokage on every Wednesday night.

"Time to teach you to play the game all Nara's know," Pa told me, placing me on one end of the board and sitting on the other side. He passed me a manual and I started reading all the information. Rules, strategies, the piece names etc.

"Made any friends?" Pa asks as we finally get into a game.

"I guess," I replied, ending the game quickly and capturing his king. He looked at the board astounded and started setting it up again, he was staring at the board as if to ask whether it was a fluke or not.

"Who?" he asked as we started again, this time he was making sure to watch my moves closely.

"Just three kids have caught my attention," I started, capturing his king again. He groaned and set the board again.

"One is a pink haired kid called Ren Haruno. Then the other two, you clearly know, Inoiché Yamanaka and Choro Akimichi," I told him, he was glaring so hard at the game that if looks could cause any kind of issue, I'm sure the pieces would be on fire or something.

"Ah, yes I do know the two of them," he nodded, I captured his king again and he frowned, "how do you keep doing that?"


"Beating me."

"It's not that hard. I just see your first move and predict every possible one after before destroying any strategy you could possibly come up with," I replied standing and sitting on his knees, he frowned at the board before sighing and flopping back onto the floor, pulling me down with him.

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