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I forgot to write about the whole Kakashi talking to Shikarei about Itachi thing so instead of writing about Shikarei's addition into the filler episodes that happen during Naruto's journey to the turtle island, I'll write this as a bit of a flashback.
Also, I can't remember the whole story exactly to the point so forgive me if I get some things a bit messed up or wrong.


I sighed as I looked out over the ocean. The memory of a conversation I had with Kakashi, Naruto, Tsunade and Yamato was for some odd reason, playing in my head.

"I feel like I told a secret I shouldn't have," I mumbled to myself as a small shiver went down my spine, "sorry, Itachi."

Days before they set out on sail_

"Hey, you called for me," I entered Tsunade's temporary office to see Naruto, Kakashi and Yamato all stood there with Tsunade sat behind her desk.

"We need some answers from you, Shikarei," Kakashi said.

"Answers?" I gave him a confused look, "what do you mean? Did I do something wrong recently?"

"No," Tsunade shook her head.

"It's on the matter if Itachi Uchiha," Yamato said.

I stiffened at the name of Itachi and took an involuntary step back.

"I don't know what you're talking about," I lied rather terribly.

"Please, Shikarei, we need to know if what Madara told us is the truth," Naruto exclaimed.

"Hold on-- what?" I glared at them, "you mean that bastard of a shinobi had the audacity to even speak his name?"


"He told us some things about the truth behind Itachi Uchiha which seem almost outrageous," Kakashi said, "can you tell us the truth? You two were close, weren't you?"

"Close? We were more than that," I wanted to glare but stopped myself, "I did have his daughter after all."

Even if I got pregnant because of alcohol. It didn't matter because I love Himari and I love-- loved Itachi.

"Can you tell us what happened to Itachi, Shikarei?" Tsunade asked.

I sighed and looked down.

"It all happened because the Uchiha clan were planning a coup d'état," I started, taking a seat on the floor, knowing that this was going to take a while to explain, "at the time, Itachi was being a double spy, spying on the Uchiha for Lord Third and spying on Lord Third for the Uchiha. However, Itachi was always 100% loyal to Lord Hiruzen and instead of giving all the information on him that he 'recovered' to the Uchiha, he just gave them small pieces that they couldn't really do anything with. Itachi wasn't the only ninja who was doing this though. Another ninja, a friend of mine and Itachi's, Shisui Uchiha. The one born with a gift that people could only ever dream of having."

Seemingly getting that this was going to be a long story, Kakashi and Yamato perched on the edge of Tsunade's desk, leaving a gap for her to see me through while Naruto just sat opposite me, leaning against the desk.

"Both of them were spying. They loved their clan, but they were both so, so loyal to the village that they couldn't bring themselves to join in the coup d'état with their people. Thus, they became the downfall of their own clan," I said, "at first, Shisui was supposed to just use his mangekyo sharingan against the leaders of the Uchiha clan and sway their ideas from taking down Lord Hiruzen to living without the threat of the village being torn apart because of them. However, that bastard Danzo, the collector of sharingan eyes, felt that Shisui was not only a threat to his future plans but also a great piece to add to his collection and before Shisui could even sway the mind of one Uchiha leader, he was tricked by Danzo and attacked. He lost one of his eyes and ran to the forests where he met Itachi who was waiting for a response to whether the plan that Shisui and Lord Hiruzen had created had worked. However, that night would be the last night that anyone would see Shisui alive."

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