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"Wake up! We're under attack!" someone shouted loudly, I quickly woke, my senses strong, maybe even stronger than a ninja hound or ninja cats. I jumped out my bed to see Pa already getting ready to fight.

"Hurry and get ready," he demanded, noticing me, I just raised my hands and placed them behind my head.

"I'm always ready," I replied before we ran out to see ninja and medical ninja all fighting no matter if they were injured or not.

"Summoning jutsu!" someone shouted, a giant rat appeared.

"This may be an issue," I muttered, "what a drag."

We all started running forward, fighting the mini rats that were appearing alongside the larger one.

"Shadow strangle jutsu!" I heard Pa shout; I peered over and watched his hand signs before nodding and copying.

"Shadow strangle jutsu!" I also shouted, my shadow extending alongside his and climbing up the rats, the difference was, Pa's only caught 10 of the rats. Mine caught half and started to go after the larger one in the centre. But mine retracted quicker than Pa's.

"Oh man, what a drag, I hate it when it does that," I groaned before quickly knocking a shuriken out of my direction by grabbing the person next to me and pulling their sword up, knocking the shuriken back to the thrower and having it lodge in their shoulder.

"H-hey!" the guy who I had hold of shouted at me, I just let him go and thanked him before sprinting forward and fighting in taijutsu with the summoner.

This is all too much effort.

"Shadow monster jutsu!" I shouted, my shadow jumping up again and splitting into five monsters again.

I moved in perfect synchronisation with them and attacked not only the summoner, but the giant rat at the same time. Quickly bringing them both down when one of the monsters snatched away their shadow and merged with it.

Taking a shadow from a person and not returning it, is like ripping their heart out and cutting the connections. It kills them instantly.

Everyone cheered when the summons all poofed and they all praised me for beating them. I sighed and shook my head.

What's the point in being praised when we're at war and everything we do could be our fight or our flight?


1 month later_

"Shikarei. You will go on the front line!" the head of our division announced.

My Pa looked at him with complete annoyance.

"You can't send her there! Not alone at least I'm going--" he started shouting before the head ninja silenced him.

"The word is final, Shikaku Nara will go to the fourth division. They're having issues keeping the fort down. They need a strategist immediately. Shikarei Nara, you will go on the front lines as back up for the first division," the head ninja ordered. All the other ninjas stood around listened in shock as the ninja change was announced.

"But she's just 5!" someone near the back shouted, "the front lines will scar her young mind!"

"There's no arguing! Shikarei, go now! You must fight for your village!" the head ninja ordered. I exhaled and then stepped forward.

"Alright. Stop bossing me around alright?" I growled before turning to Pa and kissing his forehead, "see you at the end of this."

"No... Shikarei!" Pa shouted, the head ninja grabbed him and held him back as I ran off. I started sprinting away.

I don't want to go. I want to stay with Pa.

But I'm a ninja.

I am a ninja of the leaf.

I am a Nara.

I have to fight like one.


I arrived at the front lines to see half of the first division dead or dying.

"You!" one of them shouted at me.

"I'm Shikarei Nara!" I shouted back at him. The lady smiled sympathetically at me before nodding.

"I'm the head ninja of division 1," she announced, I nodded and listened as I was filled in on the situation. As soon as that was over, into the battle I went.

Everywhere I looked, death had kissed the land and the people on it. The whole area was scorched and drowned. Blood stained everywhere like this was the earth's body and it had been sliced open.

Truly not a nice sight at all.

"Multi shadow monster jutsu!" I shouted. This one was different to my usual shadow monster jutsu. This time the monsters were coming out of everyone else's shadows along with mine.

People looked around confused but their gazes all stopped on me. They knew I was the one who did this.

"Shikarei Nara the master of the shadows."

Those words.

I guess this will be what I'm tied to forever.

"W-who are you?!" one of the enemy shinobi asked me.

"My name or the name given to me by Hanzo of the Salamander?" I asked her.

"Either will do," she glared.

"Shikarei Nara is my name. The name gifted to me by Hanzo of the Salamander is Shikarei Nara the master of the shadows," I responded before charging after her, my shadow monsters going after the enemies as well.

2 weeks later_

Shikaku's PoV

"Have you heard about that kid on the front lines?" one of the guys in my division started talking as we all sat and ate.

"Oh yeah, that Nara kid," one the others said it. My daughter. My little girl.

"Guess what they're calling her?" the first guy said, "they're calling her Shikarei Nara master of the shadows or just Shikarei of the shadows! She's got a reputation."

"Only at 5 years old as well. Impressive, truly impressive," the second guy grinned before they all looked at me, "Shikaku, you're a Nara. Do you know her?"

"Yes," I replied bluntly, standing up, "she's my daughter."

With that I left the tent. Going back to my own, tears breaking my eyes as I silently stood in my tent and allowed them to flow.

I just want my Princess back....

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