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The funeral was held as soon as we reached the village, everyone was gathered for the ceremony. Naruto was taken to be checked up, have his tests, make sure the seal was strong enough etc.

While I was stood in front of the Hokage's coffin, his photo on the top while dozens of fallen ninjas' photos were littered beside it, Kushina's was there too, I observed the faces of people around me before going to place my flower on the top and returned to my space beside Lord Hiruzen and the creepy Danzo guy.

After that a council was held to determine who will step up as Hokage. Lord Hiruzen put himself forward just as he had told me hours before.

"How do you think you can watch over the village again after willingly giving up your title as the third and then failing to save the fourth?" Danzo asked, I glared and stepped forward.

"Allow me to intercede that thought. Lord Fourth died protecting the village, he was sealing the nine tail. A ritual that took his life. Lord Minato did it knowing that he was going to die, and no one was going to get in the way of that," I spoke with confidence, earning quite the dirty glare from Danzo and a small smile from Hiruzen.

"And how would you know, brat?" Danzo asked, I saw my father shift uncomfortably at the words spat at me.

"Because I was there. I watched the seal, I listened to their last words, I made a promise, and I will protect that. If it means putting myself forward to make sure that Lord Hiruzen takes office again, then so be it. I will fight for the village that Lord Fourth, Lady Kushina and Lord Third all fought for this evening," I replied coolly. Everyone gasped at my words.

Imagine that. An elder is getting stood up to by a 6-year-old kid.

"What's your name?" Danzo's eyes narrowed in my direction. I swallowed my complaints that I so badly wanted to just say.

"Nara. Shikarei Nara," I replied. Whispers erupted from around the room as Danzo just glared down at me.

"A Nara, hm?" he asked, "when did your family become so loud mouthed?"

"When someone bad mouthed my Hokage," I spat back, venom lacing my tone. His eyes widened at my words.

"Why you--" he started before I raised a hand and silenced him, the motion surprising everyone.

"I've already accepted Lord Hiruzen as my Hokage again. I think it's best you do as well, Lord Danzo," I said quickly. This was enough to make him silence and the elders Homura and Koharu shared a look before nodding.

"Yes I'm an old fossil now but do you think you can tolerate me just a little longer?" Hiruzen asked with a grin, now Danzo's glare was on him rather than me. Just as I thought, Danzo wanted to be Hokage. He is power hungry. Not a good attribute for a leader, I'm afraid.

With that I returned to my kneeling position and watched the scene.

"It's settled then, Hiruzen Sarutobi shall resume office once again," Homura nodded, the jounin and few chunin in the room nodded in agreement before the meeting was concluded.

Just as I closed the door on my way out I heard:

"Please get me all the files and information you have on that child."

"You mean the Nara girl?"


"Right away sir!"

My files? Why?

"Shikarei, come on, we have much to talk about," Pa gave me a serious look, I sighed and nodded following him.

We finally stopped walking and sat on the Hokage rock. We sat on the second Hokage's head, it has the best view of the village.

"The way you spoke in there..." pa trailed off.

"I know, I was out of line. I will accept any punishment that would come my way, but I just couldn't let that power hungry fiend get his hands on the title of Hokage," I told him, my eyes gazing over the damaged village.

We needed a new house anyway but seriously...

"You defended the Hokage. It makes me wonder what your future will hold," Pa said. I looked at him confused.

"You make no sense sometimes, Pa," I muttered, he just ruffled my hair and grinned.

"I'm proud of you, you have become a great shinobi," he nodded at me, "was that big box of light and dark yours?"

"Yes," I nodded quite embarrassed to be praised.

"Impressive, when did you have enough time to create such a jutsu?" he asked. I looked up and started thinking.

"I'd been working on it a while, I could never get it to grown any bigger than the average man most the time I attempted it in training, so this was the first time it grew so big. I just didn't think about what would happen if I didn't manage to make it big enough," I replied.

"That was risky," he scolded me, I just nodded.

"But it worked, so I guess it's ok. Now, let's go find Ma and Shika," I told him, standing and then walking away. My father trailing behind me with a troubled frown on his face.

Hiruzen's PoV

"Here are all the files we had on Shikarei Nara," a ninja came in with only two files.

"Just two?" I asked, he nodded.

"She's a Nara, they basically blend in with the background, not much is known about very many of them," he shrugged before I dismissed him and opened up the first file.

Name: Shikarei Nara
Age: 6
DoB: September 10th
Skills: Shadow bending, strategies, taijutsu
Clan: The Nara Clan
Family: Parents are Shikaku Nara and Yoshino Nara. Younger brother is Shikamaru Nara
Affiliations: Team 10 (lead by Tsume Inuzuka), Ino Shika Cho (second generation), Ino Shika Ren Cho (first generation), Team Ita-Rei (Itachi Uchiha, Shikarei Nara), division 7 (1 month in war), division 1, front lines (1 month in war)

She fought in the war, hm?

I opened the second file.

Surely there it was, all the information about her time in the war.

She began in division 7, quite far from the front lines, along with her father before they were separated for the final month that the third shinobi war raged on. During her time in division 7, she fought head-to-head with the rain nin, Hanzo of the Salamander, earning the nicknames 'Shikarei Nara the master of the shadows' and 'Shikarei of the shadows'. During her time on division 1, she managed to keep them alive and even pushed back enemy forces so much that the enemies withdrew for a week before attacking again with reinforcements.

Her name is known by all ninja who fought in the war, and even more by those who didn't.

"She's quite interesting," I mumbled moving back to the first file and flipping over the first sheet so I could see the second.

'Potential for Hokage in the future'
'Potential sensei. Potential sensei for Naruto?'
'Genin at age 5, Chunin at age 5, predicted jounin age, age 6 or 7'

That's Minato's handwriting. So, he's been watching her improvements and progression as she grew as a ninja. He's already decided to sign her down as a sensei as well? And for his son of all things as well! I see why he asked her to make that promise now.

I flipped the page again.

Note: She'll complain and whine about things being 'too troublesome' or 'a drag' but all you have to do is be patient and joke with her a bit. She'll do whatever you are asking her to do after a while.

"Ok then. The village is safe with her. Naruto is as well," I nodded to myself, closing the files and sighing, looking out into the night drowned village.

It's a wreck. Time to repair, I guess...

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