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Itachi squeezed my hand and pulled me into a hug.

"Will you go on a date with me?" he asked me as he placed his forehead on my shoulder, his grip around me tightened slightly.

"OK," I attempted to nod but was stopped by Itachi's head, "how about dango, tomorrow at noon?"

He let me go and seemed to brighten up.

"Yes," he nodded before looking up, "it's getting late, let me walk you home."

I nodded and turned around again; Itachi fell into step with me. We walked in silence for a while, a few moments passed when Itachi hesitantly linked his pinkie finger with my own.

I covered my mouth with my hand to stifle a laugh.

He's so amusing.


"Thank you for walking me home," I thanked him as we reached the edge of the Nara compound, "stay safe on your way home."

"I will, I'll see you tomorrow, alright?" Itachi asked, I nodded, and he hesitantly raised his arm before poking me in the forehead.

I frowned and placed my hand where he'd poked me.

"What was that for?" I asked. He just smiled and waved before turning and walking away. I sighed and turned to go into the house when I noticed Pa stood in the doorway with a rather... unhappy aura emitting from him and a fire burning in his eyes.

"Good evening, Pa," I greeted him as I reached him.

"Good evening, Pa?" he repeated annoyed, "where were you? Why were you with Itachi? What were you doing? What were his motives?"

I blinked a few times in confusion before realising he was talking about me and Itachi just then. I just sighed and walked into the house, kicking my shoes off and then going into the living room where Ma was sat with Shikamaru on the sofa sleeping next to her.

"Welcome home, Shikarei. But where have you been?" she greeted me as I sat down on the other side of Shikamaru and sighed.

"She was with Itachi," Pa answered, his pissed off dad aura seemed to grow and grow as he sat next to Ma.

"Oh? Really?" Ma asked, I nodded, "is there something going on between you two?"

"Well..." I started before shaking my head, "I can't tell you when Pa is lurking around like that."

I pointed to my dad who was pulling immature faces at me.

"Alright, Shikaku go to bed," Ma ordered.

"What? But--"

"Now, Shikaku," her voice was stern and something that was definitely not what you want to defy.

"Fine," Pa let out a defeated grumble before walking down the hall. We listened until we heard their bedroom door slide closed again.

"So?" Ma turned to face me properly, Shikamaru was still sleeping but somehow he'd figured out I was next to him and moved to use my lap as a pillow. Damn that lazy carefree attitude. I miss being able to do that...

"Itachi told me he loved me," I told her, "and tomorrow we're going out for dango."

Her eyes grew like saucers before growing back to normal and shimmering in excitement.

"I'm helping you get ready for your first date!" she exclaimed, "no declining."

I looked at her confused before smiling.

"S-Shikarei?" Shikamaru's sleepy voice called, I looked down to see him rubbing his eyes.

"Hey, Shika," I greeted him, "shall we get you to your bed?"

"No, I'm comfortable here," he told me before falling asleep again.

"Idiot Shika, did you even do your homework today?" I grumbled down at him as Ma stood up and passed me a blanket, "guess I'm stuck here."

"Good night," Ma waved and then walked down the hall, leaving me to get comfortable with Shikamaru still using me as a freaking pillow.


"Listen, Shikamaru, I've told you how to do this equation before," I sighed, "it's distance divided by time."

"I know, alright, what a drag," Shikamaru whined, I whacked him on the head.

"You sound just like me and dad," I mumbled just before someone knocked on the front door. I went and answered it to find Kurenai on the other side, she wasn't alone either. Kakashi and Asuma were with her.


"Hey, Shikarei! Can we hang out with you today?" Kurenai asked.

"No, I'm busy later," I replied bluntly and went to close the door but instead had Kurenai just waltzing in.

"Thanks for your hospitality, Shikarei~" she called back as she disappeared into the house.

"You have to be kidding me," I groaned before looking at the boys, "you guys might as well come in too."

They did and kicked their shoes off and put them next to Kurenai's before walking further into the house to find the overbearing girl. I closed the door and followed suit.

"Shikarei, have I done it right now?" Shikamaru flagged me down and I walked over and looked at his answer. I just let my head drop.

"No, Shika," I replied, shaking my head, "you did speed times time. I told you distance divided by time; you're working out the shuriken's speed not it's distance."

"Show me how to do it, just one more time," he passed me his pen and a piece of paper. I rewrote the question but with different numbers and wrote the working out down and then the answer before passing it to Shikamaru and going into the living room and sitting with my... unwanted guests.

"You said you're busy later, what's happening? It's Sunday, you have a day off today," Kurenai asked.

"I have a... uh..." suddenly I felt really embarrassed and pulled my knees to my chest and hid my face in them.

"Don't tell me you've got a date," Asuma poked my side teasingly, I just swatted his hand away.

"She's not denying it," Kakashi commented.

"No way!" Kurenai burst out before I sensed a sly smirk grow on her face, "is it with... Itachi?"

I just shushed her and sighed, Shikamaru came walking through.

"I'm going to Choji's," he announced.

"Alright," I nodded before recalling my promise with Choro I made a while back, "tell Choro I can't help out on the farm today."

"Sure," he shouted before the door closed and Shikamaru was gone.

That leaves me in this house, alone with these idiots.

Pa is working, Ma is at the market and Shikamaru is going to the Akimichi compound.

"So, where's the date?" Kurenai pried as I turned so I was sitting properly on the sofa.

"Dango," I replied, "we're only eating dango."

"Aw man, that's boring," she whined, I just shot her a glare.

"Isn't this your first date, like ever?" Asuma asked, I nodded and placed my head back onto the head of the sofa, "bet you're nervous."

"I guess."

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