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1 year later_

"Another mission for you, Shikarei. Take Itachi and Ren with you," Lord Third told me, I nodded and took the scroll from him before leaving and finding the two ninja.

Itachi was about to go to the anbu headquarters.

"Itachi!" I called, "mission."

The Uchiha turned to me, and his emotionless eyes landed on mine. It was for a brief moment, but it was enough to send shivers down my spine.

"What was that?" I asked when he reached me.

"What was what?" he asked, a frown holding his face.

"That look of ice," I replied, he gave me a dumb look and I just shook my head before leading him to the hospital where Ren was writing up paperwork.

"Ren, mission, now," I called him. He looked up from his work and frowned but nodded.

"Alright, what're we doing?" he asked. I pulled the scroll out and started reading as we exited the village.

"It shouldn't take long so what we have on us naturally should do for now," I explained, "anyway it's assassination... because those are the only jobs I get at the moment."

"It's a group of four rogues. Marie, Tomoe, Kyoa and Eran Midst. Siblings. Originally from the land of frost. Went rogue after an assassination attempt on their village leader and elders. Last seen the road to Konoha. Its suspected they're coming here to kill someone in our village," I read.

"We are here for someone, but not to kill them," a voice appeared to our right. We stopped just in time to avoid the people jumping out the trees.

In front of us stood one girl and three boys.

The girl had shoulder length blue hair and dark, emotionless eyes. One of the boys had waist long blue hair and dark eyes, the other two had cropped blue hair, dark eyes. However, one had a mole on his left cheek the other had a mole just above his left eyebrow.

"Allow us to introduce ourselves," the girl stepped forward, "I'm Marie Midst."

"Eran Midst," the long-haired boy.

"Kyoa Midst," the short haired boy with the mole on his cheek.

"Tomoe Midst," the short haired boy with the mole above his eyebrow.

"Alright. That's an easier job for us to complete then," Ren nodded, "so what now?"

"We kill them," Itachi says.

"Ah. Ah. Ah. You guys need to keep your heads on your shoulders. We have a job to do too," Tomoe said quickly.

"Which one do you think that Shikarei kid is?" Kyoa asked.

"Why do you want Shikarei?" Ren asked.

"Not the pinkie boy, clearly," Eran replied. The others nodded.

"I'm thinking it's the girl. The boy has a gift in his eyes," Tomoe says confidently.

"Yes!" Marie nodded, "let's go!"

"What?" I snapped, moving out of the way faster than my feet could really process as they lunged at me quickly. Placing my hands on the floor, I spun myself around and landed lightly on my feet again.

"Alright, it seems there's more to this mission," I muttered as the scroll of information burned up.

"Stay on guard," Itachi ordered, we nodded, and I crouched down as the other two stood close to my sides.

"Shadow stitching jutsu!" I called out. My shadow gathering life and jumping up towards the four-rogue ninja in front of us. They avoided the strips like they were breathing. Naturally.

"Yep, it's the girl," Marie confirmed, "do whatever you need to get her, but don't kill her. Boss wants her alive."

"Boss?" I repeated before jumping out the way as Tomoe's foot came flying in my direction.

"Guys! Masks!" Eran shouted. Masks?

Suddenly a large amount of weird purple smoke shrouded my vision.

"Itachi! Ren!" I shouted as two loud thuds echoed through the area. I coughed a bit as dizziness started taking over.

"Knock... out... gas.." I forced out before finding myself tumbling to the floor and darkness took over my sight as a pair of feet came walking patronisingly slowly over towards me.


My eyes opened to see a room filled with science equipment and giant test tubes. There was a person in each tube.

I tried to move but found myself stuck; I was tied to the damn chair.

"Good... you're awake," a deep and slow speaking voice echoed through the room.

"Who's there?" I shouted, peering around the room to try and locate the voice but failing miserably.

A person stepped out, an old man with long white hair and glowing blue eyes. Something about looking into those eyes just freaked me out.

"Perfect, Shikarei Nara, nice to finally meet you," he said, "my benefactor Orochimaru was kind enough to lend me a lab for a day while I pass you my curse. Oh, you'll love it darling, best thing is, I only have to remove one of your eyes considering the other is already basically gone."

OK. How can he say that with such a straight face?

"W-who are you?" I asked, still trying to free myself.

"Me? Oh, that doesn't matter," he told me before picking up a needle, "you'll feel a little prick here and then numbness, don't worry, I assure you this is safe."

He placed the needle against my neck.

"I moderately know what I'm doing," he nodded before pushing the needle in and injecting whatever the hell was in that needle, into me. My body went numb, and he untied me and picked me up, laying me on a metal table.

"You know what, I'll need some help, stay here," he told me before leaving the room.

I need to get out of here.

I need to move.

Come on, Shikarei!

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