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A weird frog appeared in a cloud beside them as I ran over to them.

Minato just shook his head at me, so I took a step back but didn't let my eyes wander.

"Ah! The nine tails!" the frog shouted in surprise and fear. Mostly fear, that was incredibly evident.

"Take it to Jiraiya sensei immediately and store it within him," Minato ordered the frog. I just stood in silence, confused.

The frog grew taller and then opened up like a scroll.

"What the heck?" I whispered to myself as I watched Minato do something and then the scroll returned back into a roll.

"Alright! I've got the key!" the frog nodded, "I'll leave now."

With that the frog disappeared in a cloud of smoke, leaving me watching the scene in pure amazement. I didn't expect.... this is so weird.... my brain can't handle this.

"Kushina... I'm almost out of time," Minato forced out, she nodded, and I watched as the reaper behind the two of them pulled it's blade out and Minato placed his hand on Kushina's back. A blue glow erupting from his touch.

"Ok... that should... do it. Kushina, I'm launching... the eight signed seal now... we won't see him for a while," Minato speaks softly, but painfully, "so let's tell Naruto what we want to say to him."

Tears were streaming down Kushina's face, and I sadly watched the scene.


"Naruto. Don't be a picky eater... eat a lot and grow.... big and strong. Make sure to bathe everyday... and stay warm... don't stay up too later and... get plenty of...sleep... Plus.... make friends... you don't need tons, ok? Just a few you can really... trust... your mum was bad at this but... study hard... and learn your ninjutsus! Just everyone... is good at somethings... and not so good at others..." Kushina spoke, tears dripping down her face as she did. Something about the situation made me freeze.

Was it the blood?

Seeing so much blood again, just like back on the front.

Or maybe it's because I can't do anything but watch.

Just like when Hanzo of the Salamander and I drew to an end in our battle. We were both exhausted, me more than him and I knew if he decided to attack the tents, then I wouldn't have been able to do anything but watch again.

"And even.... if things don't... go well... don't get depressed, ok? At the academy.... respect your teachers... and those senior... to you.... oh, and regarding the three rules.... be extra careful about... loaning and.... borrowing money... and make sure to save... money from your mission payments... and don't start drinking until you're 21... drinking too much damages your body... so be wise while drinking..." she continued, I turned to see the third and a bunch of ninja at the barrier. They were watching.

"and finally... the most problematic... girls... I'm a girl so I... don't know much about... this... but at some point... you'll notice girls... and that's normal... just be careful and don't fall for the first girl... that you meet... find someone like... me.... Oh, and speaking of the three rules... be wary of master... Jiraiya... you know..." she kept talking, "Naruto... there will be plenty of hard... and painful times ahead... take care of yourself... always have dreams and have... the confidence that those dreams will come... true... so much... there's so... so... much...! There's really a lot more... that I want to tell... you... I want to be with you longer!"

She looked up at me, her gaze lingered over my pained expression before she looked down again.

"I love you..." she choked out, "I'm sorry Minato... I spoke for too long..."

"It's quite... alright," Minato replied, holding her hand, and resting his head lightly against the top of her shoulder, "Naruto... my words to you as your father... is ditto to what your loquacious mother said...."

With that, the seal was completed.

The barrier started disappearing and the seal appeared on Naruto as the nine tails disappeared within him. Lady Kushina and Lord Minato dropped to the floor.

I stepped forward and picked Naruto up before going to his parents and checking for pulses, Minato... he wasn't alive, as expected for using the reaper death seal but I must say, I admire him. But Kushina, it was a faint pulse, but it was there.

"Lady Kushina, we can get you to the hospital! They could still save you!" I exclaimed as the third Hokage and the ninja joined us, one of the ninja propping Kushina up and then the third kneeling next to me.

"Please... look after... my child," she whispered, "his name... is Naruto... Shikarei... remember your... promise... like a brother..."

I nodded.

"Naruto? I'll remember that and take full responsibility of him, but please don't speak anymore.. for his sake too," Lord Third demanded, looking at the child in my arms as he spoke, "Kushina! I swear!"

"She's gone," the ninja who was holding her up announced. I closed my eyes and steadied my uneven breathing before standing.

"The nine tails' second half was sealed inside of Naruto," I told them, "I promised to watch over him like he was my own brother and I never break a promise."

Lord third nodded and stood as well, the ninja carried Minato's and Kushina's bodies back to the village whilst I held Naruto.

"What will we do?" I asked, looking up at the third. He hummed as if asking what I meant.

"What will we do if Naruto's identity becomes a threat to himself? If the world knew he was the nine tails Jinchuriki and the fourth Hokage's son, how much damage would befall the poor boy?" I asked again, "and who will become Hokage?"

"We will keep it quiet. He will take his mother's surname, Naruto Uzumaki. And there will be a rule, it will be forbidden to speak of the nine tails and even more to tell Naruto that the beast is seal within him," the third told me, "and as for the Hokage position now, I suppose I'll step up again."

"I see... So, we must lie to him to keep him safe?" I asked, I knew the answer was yes, but I guess I wanted some kind of clarification.

"Yes," lord Hiruzen nodded, "you know, you're quite intelligent kid. What's your name?"

"Shikarei Nara," I replied.

"Ah the six-year-old, Shikarei Nara the master of the shadows, hm?" he asked, I nodded, "I'm glad to have finally met you."

In situations like these?

Strange old man...

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