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"Up," Shikamaru demanded. He is able to talk a little but it's like the only word he knows is 'up' and that's only because he wants to sleep on my head. Little brat...

"Up!" he shouted, I sighed and pulled my book from where it was just sat on my face and picked Shikamaru up, placing him on my shoulders and leaning against the trees as I started reading again.

"You know... this tree you're sitting in belongs on the Nara land. So technically you're trespassing," I called out, "isn't that right, Kakashi?"

I heard rustling and then watched as the silver-haired boy dropped down next to me.

"How long did you know I was up there?" he asked me, I felt Shikamaru moving and looking over to Kakashi.

"Long enough to know you've been reading my book over my shoulder," I replied, flipping the page, and reading again.

"Why didn't you get rid of me sooner if you knew?" he asked.

"You weren't being troublesome."

I felt his gaze on me as I read.

He's only 7 years older than me, but he looks the same age. It's strange.

"You Naras don't have a very vast vocabulary do you?" he asked, I looked up from my book and looked at him.

"I don't think I need a 'vast vocabulary' to get things done or get my point across," I shrugged as Shikamaru started climbing down me again, this time he just laid in my lap and slept. I swear that's all he does. Sleep, eat, pester me, sleep again, continue sleeping, eat, sleep again. I think my kid brother is broken or something.

"That is true..." he nodded to himself before moving so he was sat directly in front of me, "the chunin exams are coming up right?"

"Yeah..." I eyed him suspiciously as he took my book and started reading it from the beginning but marking my page before he did.

"So, your team will be participating?" he asked.

"Yes?" what's it got anything to do with you? I really wanted to ask him that but it's just too much effort to ask. Like, he's asking the questions, just simple yes and no questions but that one needs a complex answer followed by an either extremely awkward nod or another extensive answer from myself. It's all such a drag how conversation works.

"Will you be watching?" he asked.


"Will you be going alone?"


"Kurenai wanted me to ask you to sit with us. Do you want to?"

Now I'm bored. If I say yes then I get dragged into some commitment that means I'll have to talk to them more. But if I say no then it makes me look like a cold jerk who seems too stuck up, not to mention it'll just be weird.

"I don't really care to be honest," I shrugged.

"I'll take that as a yes. Oh and, you're taking the jounin exams that are happening after the last round of the chunin exams, right?"


"I'll cheer for you this time," he tells me, then he poofs.

My book... He just stole my favourite book.

I sighed.

"Shikarei? Who were you talking to?" Ma popped her head outside and looked at me and Shikamaru in worry.

"No one don't worry, Ma. Go back to cooking or whatever it is that you were doing," I waved her off as she nodded and stepped aside, allowing Itachi (with Sasuke in his arms) to step past her and approach me.

"Good afternoon," he greeted me.

"It's afternoon already?" I asked with a groan, he nodded and snickered.

"I knew you would've lost track of time," he poked fun at me, and I just sighed as Shikamaru woke up again. This time he was frowning at Sasuke.

"You know... I'm starting to get the feeling that Shikamaru doesn't like Sasuke," I muttered, Itachi let out a short laugh.

"It seems so," he agreed before moving into a conversation. It wasn't too interesting. Just a catch up, like we're an old couple of friends who hadn't seen each other in over 20 years or something. Yeah, that kind of small talk that makes me want to drive my head through a rock over and over in hopes that my suffering would end.

Anything but this seems entertaining right now. Actually, I lie, only one thing seems more entertaining: staring up into the sky, watching the clouds drift by. Oh, how much I wished I was a cloud, just carelessly floating past, moving the way the wind dragged me, not really caring about that was going on in the world below me, just caring about whether I would make it rain that day or not.

I sigh.

"Are you even listening to me?" Itachi asked, snapping his fingers at me as he caught my attention again. He pouted.

"Sorry I-" I started.

"No, I see, I see. The clouds are way more important to you than your dear Itachi over here," he shook his head and looked away, his arms crossed across his chest stubbornly as he pouted. Sasuke looked at him and copied as Shikamaru just frowned at Sasuke, almost managing to break into a baby glare.

"No way, Itachi!" I protested, I know he was just mocking me and having his fun but seriously, this isn't fun.

I pouted, to me, I was shocked, to Itachi, he was pleased. Grinning in success.

"Alright, alright," he nodded, poking my forehead with his two fingers like he always does.

"I'm still the older one here..." I grumbled, rubbing my forehead, displeased with what just happened. He stuck his tongue out at me.

"I'm allowed to tease you from time to time, Mrs Nara said I could," he told me before grabbing Sasuke and standing, "anyway, I best be off. Just think about what I was saying earlier. We'll discuss it further before your final jounin exam."

What was he saying earlier?

Whoops... I guess zoning out didn't do me any help this time...

"Ehe sure..." I nodded nervously as he left. Quickly I jumped into the house with Shikamaru trailing shakily behind me.

"Ma! You heard our conversation, right? What did he say?!" I asked her, she let out a 'pff' sound as she tried to stop herself from laughing.

"I knew you weren't listening," she shook her head amused, "it was for your next mission."

"Oh. I guess I don't need to know until late, thanks," I nodded and flopped down onto the sofa. It didn't take long for Shikamaru to climb onto his favourite spot on my stomach and sleep.

"Yeah, I definitely think I've got the broken kid brother," I nodded to myself before drifting off to sleep myself.

But then again... I'm exactly the same as him.

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