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"But Itachi is still good, he always has been and always will be," I concluded my explanation of what happened to the Uchiha clan per Itachi's truth because it's not like Tomoe talks to anyone in the village so he can't blurt it to anyone.

"I knew I should never have taken this mission," Tomoe sighed, "I should've been there, maybe then I'd have been able to save my family."

"Tomoe, they thought you were dead until I returned from my training here," I told him, "you and everyone else on this island."

"Oh yeah," he nodded, "forgot about that. But still, if I'd just stayed in Konoha then I would've been able to convince everyone to stop and just think for a moment."

"The Uchiha succumb to hate and anger," I told him, "and I wish I could've helped them. But I couldn't. Fugaku is-- I mean, was a stubborn man. But then again, I never was too polite to him either."

"Oh, I remember," Tomoe nodded, "remember I'm only eight years older than you."

"Yeah, I know, you're old," I joked, nudging him in the side.

"30 years old is not old!" he exclaimed, "you've not changed a bit."

I smiled.

"Nah, not really," I nodded, "anyway, where's everyone else?"

"Kiara is meditating somewhere in the mountains with Hayate, Coco-Hâta is probably fishing. Mikana should be coming back from releasing a wolf back into the wild. He was injured but she nursed him to health and now sent him ba--"

"I'm home!"

The Hyuga walked in and squealed.

"Who's adorable baby is this?!" she ran in and swept Himari up off the floor where she was playing with Tomoe's stuffed animal.

"She'd be mine," I replied, waving, Coco-Hâta laughed and walked over.

"How didn't I see that?" she asked with a small chuckle, "she's got your looks."

"Why thank you, I always knew I was drop dead gorgeous," I joked.

"Psh-- I'm obviously the most gorgeous of them all," she said dramatically.

"No me!" Himari shouted, we all laughed.

"So, what's your name?" Coco-Hâta asked once we'd all calmed down.

"Himari," Himari replied with a smile as she was put back onto the floor, "I'm a Nawa!"

"A Nara, huh?" Coco-Hâta asked, Himari nodded before running and jumping on the sofa.

"Who's the father?" Coco-Hâta looked to me.

"Itachi Uchiha."

"An Uchiha?! I can imagine Lord Fugaku's face when he found out his son got with a Nara. Oh wow, it must've been precious!" she laughed but when noticing our faces stopped, "or not?"

"The Uchiha clan is no more," Tomoe told her, her face dropped in shock.

"I'm taking a guess that they tried to commit a coup d'état but failed miserably?" she guessed.

"Pretty much, yes," I nodded, she sighed and took the seat next to me.

"No offence, Tomoe, but you Uchiha are so stupid sometimes. Also predictable..."

"I already knew that, Hyuga."

"Oh, you're not happy with me, you called me Hyuga."

I rolled my eyes as the door opened again.

"I told you to stop doing that!" oh that's Kiara...

"And I told you to--" Hayate's voice came next.

"Will you both shut up?!" and there's Mikana.

The three walked in with annoyed expressions.

"Well, jeez, the heck happened to you?" I asked, they all looked at me and brightened up, well Kiara took on her cold expression, but it wasn't anything abnormal.

"Shikarei!" Mikana dived at me and hugged me, "and a child. Must be yours and... Itachi's?"

She looked at me weirdly.

Yeah, I told her about Itachi and me, but she caught onto that way too quickly.

"Yeah," I nodded, "Meet Himari Nara."

"Nara?" Hayate asked, "why doesn't she have her father's surname?"

"An Uchiha without a clan in a ninja world where people love to exploit others with kekkei genkai?" I asked, "I don't think so."

"Uchiha, hm?" Kiara hummed.

"Does that make her related to Tomoe?" Mikana asked.

I looked to Tomoe.

"Kind of," he replied with a shrug, "she's like a distant niece of some kind. It's hard to say. Fugaku was my half-brother... That makes Itachi and... Sasuke was it? Half nephews. It's complicated."

"We can see," I nodded before looking to Kiara, "I need your help again."

"You got both eyes now?" she asked, I nodded, "Alright, you guys look after Himari. I'm taking Shikarei out to train."

"Wait-- so soon?" I asked, "I just got here!"

"Death doesn't wait for anyone to settle in so why should I? Come on!" she snapped, I jumped slightly and got up.

"Fine, jeez-- Himari be good for Tomoe, Mikana, Coco-Hâta and Hayate," I looked to my daughter, she smiled and gave me a thumbs up before jumping on Hayate's back.

"Run!" she shouted with a giggle as I followed Kiara outside.

I'm in for a world full of exhaustion while I'm here.

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