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Itachi grunted as the walls started to push closer and closer together.

"'Gold' just get out, I'll figure something out," I called to him, he just shook his head.

"I'm not going to abandon you," he told me.

"Now, now, 'Gold', you are an anbu, emotions and comrades are something that should be last priority," I tutted at him before looking towards the stone ninja who was straining to push the rocks.

Wait-- where did the other one go.

"Silver!" Itachi shouted as a shadow loomed over us, I looked up just as two kunai came down.

I jumped in front of Itachi and managed to deflect the two of them but a third came down unexpectedly and hit my mask.

A loud cracking sound echoed around as my mask cracked and fell off my face in two perfect half's, followed by the sound of clanking of the kunai hitting the floor after.

"Crap," I whispered, Itachi kicked the back of my knees, forcing me to drop to the floor. I wanted to look up at him and question his move, but I knew exactly why he did it.

It's an anbu rule not to show your face unwillingly.

"Stay down, 'Silver'," he told me.

I sighed and stayed down.

"Drop the walls," I told him, "just drop down here."

"What?" he asked, "please clarify."

"I'll catch us, don't worry, just drop," I told him, I could tell he was looking at me questioningly before I heard the slight clutter of his mask hitting the collar of his uniform.


I bit down on my finger and placed it on the floor.


The blood circle appeared on the floor and my chakra started seeping into the markings.

A kunai came flying towards Itachi, hitting his mask just as it did mine. I heard the pieces drop to the floor with the kunai.


I did my hand signs and muttered the words 'shadow barrier'.


Itachi dropped down and I was knocked onto my back as the shadow barrier formed around us, following the inner lining of the dome that finally closed together around us.


Something was strange...

My breathing was blocked out of my mouth, and it felt like something else was pressing against my lips.

I did one handed hand signs and created a light beam just to see Itachi's face.

W-what the hell?

I just shared my first kiss with... ITACHI?!

His eyes were wide with realisation obviously at first he was as confused as I was but now...

He tried to pull away but the shadow wall behind him was so close that he couldn't move away properly.

How awkward, I feel like I will be suffocated by a kiss if the presences of the stone ninja don't disappear.


My lungs were burning.

I fought against the urge to breathe; I could see the pieces of our masks mixed together on the ground.

I could see in Itachi's eyes that he was coming to his limit just as I was.

Come on you stupid ninja, just disappear.


They're gone!

I forced the shadow to expand and force the shell of dirt to break away. As soon as the pressure was gone and the shadow disappeared, the daylight appeared again and the sand dipped the floor slightly, Itachi knocked himself back and both of us took deep greedy breaths of air.

"I-I am so sorry," Itachi apologised.

I looked away and tried to hide my burning face.

My heart was racing.

Why... Did I feel like this...?

It was a strange day.

"I think the world has been trying to tell us something," Itachi told me, "first the cats, then the undercover mission, after that was the mission where you had to act as a bartender..."

Oh yeah, the bartender mission...

We worked well, but we ended up hiding in a closet, it was tiny, and we ended up chest to chest until the guys we were watching were somehow killed.

"Shikarei... I think I..." he trailed off before looking at me with a determined face and a bright blush covering his face, "I love you, Shikarei!"

This... This cannot be Itachi... This is nothing like Itachi.

I stood up and turned around.

"This is a trick," I whispered, "this isn't like you Ita."

"It's not," he whispered as rustling of the grass echoed around us, he was standing up, "everything I told you was true, Shikarei."

"But why...?"

"Because you're amazing, you're loyal to everyone who you meet. You listen to people, and you have your own unique personality. For some reason you make people want to become a better person or a stronger version of themselves. You are supportive and you listen, even if it's Kurenai talking about random stuff that you don't even understand. You're really sweet and caring... Even to children, by children I mean the fox child who everyone despises," he listed, "and overall... You're just someone I can't imagine not ever being here. I know I'm an anbu and I'm supposed to be emotionless and tieless but I... Feel like somethings missing when I'm not around you."

My heart started to speed up like it did every time we ended up in one of those awkward positions.

I don't understand...

"I think it started when we went to that cat fortress," he told me, "at first I didn't really understand, I thought it was just something random, like a fleeting memory. But then I realised it wasn't like that... It was more natural, permanent."

I just stared at the dancing fireflies in front of me.

"I've been wanting to tell you for a while but... even though I'm brave in most things... this was one thing I didn't know how to approach strongly."

Did I feel the same?

My body reacted weirdly.

Sometimes my heart would race, or I'd get a nervous feeling in my stomach. Or I'd get jealous when I saw Itachi with that girl, Izumi Uchiha. But then I'd remind myself, she's known him her whole life and I... I've known him since I was 6 or 7.

I've got nothing when it comes to what they have.

"I've never felt like this towards another person before, Shikarei."

I don't think I'll have anything strong enough to balance out any bond he has that blossomed before me.

"Please don't tell me that I'm the only one who feels this way..."

Yeah, I'm a nobody compared to Izumi.

"Please, Shikarei!" Itachi grabbed my hand and spun me around and looked me straight in the eyes, "you know you can't lie to me. I've known you for too long for you to be able to lie to me now."


One look was all it took.

An easy and quick confirmation.

I looked away.

"It's mutual."

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