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5 weeks later_

"So, you've been sick for five weeks?" Ren asked as he looked me over, I nodded, "that's weird. I remember the times when you weren't ever sick."

I choked a laugh.

"Everyone keeps saying that," I told him before noticing he didn't have his pink forehead protector anymore, instead it was a white head of medical nin station, "promoted?"

"Oh yeah," he nodded, "a few weeks ago, Sakura has my old forehead protector now."

"Congrats," I nodded to him as he smiled and sat on the edge of my bed and placed a hand on my forehead.

"You don't have a fever," he comments before checking my pulse, "your pulse is normal."

"Tell me how you feel normally, well at the moment," he told me, "give me a run through."

"It's only mornings that I actually throw up but during the day food makes me was to chuck up again," I told him, "and it's not fun."

He nodded and then hovered his hands over my stomach. They glowed green and he frowned before stopping and rubbing my belly slightly.

"Do you... mind?" I asked, he let me go and sighed.

"Shikarei, you're... pregnant," he told me.

"What?" I asked. He smiled a little.

"You're pregnant, the sickness you've got is your body adjusting to the pregnancy and the sickness on a morning is morning sickness. It's normal, well not at the stage you're in but it's normal enough because it can happen," he explained.

"Ma and Pa are going to kill me," I commented, he shook his head.

"I'm sure they won't," he replied, "I think they've been wanting you to get a boyfriend, so who was it?"

I sighed and got up and closed the door before walking over and keeping my voice low.

"Itachi," I whispered, he looked at me wide-eyed.

"What? When?" he asked, keeping his voice equally low.

"When I went on my last mission," I replied with a lower whisper, "I met him. He's the same as he always was, just as kind. We got... drunk... I don't remember anything from that night, but I guess I now definitely know what happened."

He stepped away and shook his head with a sigh.

"I guess you do," he agreed, "what're you going to do then? It's going to take a crap ton of explaining when this kids born, and they somehow awaken their sharingan."

"You're right," I nodded, "this is going to be such an issue..."

"Will you tell him though?" he asked.

"Probably," I nodded, "I'll send a ninja hound of Kakashi's and beg it doesn't tell anyone and just finds him."

"Don't, I have a ninja cat that's perfect for this task," Ren told me, "I'll summon him tomorrow, for now, tell your family everything."

"Thanks, Ren," I thanked him.

"No worries," with that he left, and I just slumped onto my bed.



"Ma, Pa?" I called the two as I entered the living room. They were talking but they stopped when they saw me walk in.

"Feeling better?" Ma asked as I sat down.

"You guys might want to sit down," I told them, they shared a confused look before sitting down and looking to me.

"What's the matter, Princess?" Pa asked.

Wow, 'Princess', that's a nickname I haven't heard in a while.

"So, my sickness," I started, they looked at me in horror.

"Are you dying?!" they both shouted, standing up.

"No," I shook my head with a small laugh, "but..."

Jeez.. How do I do this?

"But what?" Pa asked, his face was covered in worry.

"Alright, I'm going to tell you and you're not allowed to get angry," I finally started, "I'm pregnant."




"Ma? Pa?" I called out, they just stared on before Pa walked away, like literally, he left the house while Ma just dropped down onto the sofa again.

I don't think I can say it anymore but: crap.

"Ma?" I called, she looked at me with a bright smile.

"It's Itachi isn't it?" she asked, I nodded. A tear slipped from her eye before she lunged forward and pulled me into a hug.

I hugged back.

"Do you love him, Shikarei?" she asked, I nodded and tightened my grip on her shirt, "I'll support you and the child, I promise you that. And I'll always love you just as much as I did before, this changes nothing."

For some reason I really needed to hear that, and I found myself crying as well.

"I love you too, Ma," I cried, hiding my face in her hair as she rubbed circles on my back and kept me close, "what about Pa?"

"Don't worry about him," Ma told me, "he's probably just registering."

I nodded and we separated, she was kneeling on the floor in front of me and had her hands on either side of my face, using her thumbs to wipe away the tears that were sat on my face.

"Prediction, girl or boy?" she asked.

"I don't know," I replied, "I don't mind."

"Well, I kind of want a grandson so..." she smiled her sweet but threatening smile, "give me someone to spoil."

"R-right," I nodded before the front door opened.

"I'm home," Shika's voice called through the building, "Shikarei? You're in here? Are you feeling better?"

Ma looked at me as if she was asking me for permission, I nodded, and she took him to another room.

About five minutes later Shikamaru comes running back over me, a look of disbelief on his face.

"Is it true?" he asked, I nodded, "I'm going to be an uncle?"

"That's how it works?" I replied, he smiled and lunged at me.

"That means I'll see you more right?" he asked, I chuckled and nodded, hugging him as he hugged me.

"Shikamaru," Pa's voice entered the building, we both looked up to see him with his scary serious face on, "let Shikarei go and go to your room, Shikarei follow me."

"But dad--" Shikamaru started.

"Now, Shikamaru," Pa snapped, Shikamaru got up and nodded, looking at me apologetically before walking away, "come on, Shikarei."

"Yes, father."

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