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"You're a genin!" Pa cheered as he ran around the house with me on his shoulders. Happily skipping around until Ma came in.

"I got the results," Ma announced, causing me and Pa to look at her curiously, "I'm pregnant."

Pa froze and for a moment I swear I could see his soul slipping away before he suddenly got really happy and ran over to Ma, almost loosing me in the process and hugging her tightly.

"I'm going to have another child!" he exclaimed excited before Ma pulled him down, obviously trying to avoid me hearing something but failing to hide it because I was on Pa's shoulders.

"I'm not the only one..." she whispered; Pa froze again before laughing like mad.

"This is so coincidentally weird," he muttered to himself before lifting me down, I looked up at Ma.

"Is it a boy or girl?" I asked, she shrugged.

"I won't know until later but as for names, if it's a boy we're sticking with Shikamaru, what about a girl?" Ma asked. I put my hand up and she looked down at me.

"Himari!" I suggested, Pa looked like he was in deep thought before nodding.

"Yeah, I like that," he nodded before looking at Ma for confirmation, she nodded, and we all smiled.

"But I really don't want a sister, I want a cute little brother, Ma," I told her. She chuckled and Pa just placed his hand on my head.

"It doesn't work that way, Princess," he whispered amused before remembering something and grabbing my left arm, "look she's a ninja!"

"Congratulations, sweetie," Ma beamed with a bright smile and picked me up, I was then stuck in a 'squash Shikarei between the lovesick couple' hug and sighed.


"Team 10 will be Inoiché Yamanaka, Shikarei Nara and Choro Akimichi," Aio sensei announced, we grinned at each other.

"Ino Shika Cho," Choro cheered, we all did a group fist bump and laughed a little before listening to the other squads being listed.


"I'm Team 10's sensei. My name is Tsume Inuzuka and you all better be ready to be worked to the bone!" a mad lady with brown wild hair and two red upside down triangles on her face stood in between me and my squad and our lovely bench on the roof of a house.

"Tsume sensei?" Choro called, she looked at him, "should you be a sensei when you're clearly pregnant?"

Whoa-- a lot of people at pregnant at the moment... That's... Kind of weird actually.

"Shut it brat," she hissed before Sighing, "this here is Kuromaru. My partner. You be nice to him, and he'll be nice to you."

That's fair.

"Now introduce yourselves," she demanded.

"I'm Inoiché Yamanaka," Inoiché introduced himself with a bored expression.

"Shikarei Nara," I nodded curtly.

"And Choro Akimichi," Choro finished. She nodded before something clicked.

"Wow they just put you into the Ino Shika Cho formation, how lazy of Lord Hokage," she laughed a little, "that means you guys must work well together, right?"

We nodded.

"Good! Now let's go!"

Go? Go where? Jeez this lady is freaking crazy.

4 months later_

"Team 10. I want all three of you to try becoming chunin. I'm positive one if not all of you will get to the final stage, one or two may actually become chunin. But I want you to try because I'm positive that you can do it!" Tsume sensei passed us slips of paper, I read over it.

"But why? We've barely been a team for half a year let alone be good enough to go into these death traps of a test," Inoiché asked skeptically.

"Because, brat, if you actually listened to me then you'd know that it's because I am positive you can do this. Yeah sure you may not pass this time, but it'll give you a taster for next time. Also, because I believe in all of you, as your sensei and your friend," she tells us. Wow this 23-year-old pregnant mad lady has some compassion. I'm amused.

"Alright, where do I sign?" I asked, they all looked at me surprised as I just played with Kuromaru's fur on the top of his head.

"Thank you Shikarei," she smiled at me, and I nodded.

"No problem, sensei," I gave her a grin before the other two got confidence and started to sign as well.


"Go, Shikarei!" I heard my team, family, and friends all cheering for me.

The first test of the chunin exams was an easy written test, literally extremely easy. The second was a survival test and now I'm in the final exam. Because only four teams managed to pass the second test but two dropped out because of incredibly severe injuries there was no need for any kind of preliminaries or anything.

I'm really curious how this chunin exam is actually happening, especially because the third shinobi war is happening right now. I guess it's because villages need more shinobi.

"You're so annoying!" my opponent hissed at me, a grass ninja.

"I could say the same thing about you," I replied nonchalantly as I just simply dodged each attack. It was starting to get boring; the attack patterns were the same: left, left, right, down, up, swipe the feet, a jab to the abdomen and then repeat.

I yawned and sighed before grabbing the guys ankle and pulling him off the ground, spinning him and letting him go, manipulating my shadow to grab him I pulled him around the whole arena.

This was the final battle, unfortunately Inoiché and Choro lost to this grass ninjas teammates and, then I was stuck with this one. I want to fight the one Inoiché fought, at least it would've been interesting. They used that umbrella technique with poison drowned senbon.

I forced my shadow to drag the guy down to the ground forcefully, hearing a really loud cracking noise when he landed.

"Winner, Shikarei Nara!" the proctor announced, I heard Tsume sensei cheer the loudest. Man, she's one mad lady. I looked over to her and smiled before walking over to the grass ninja as he sat up. I offered him a hand and he took it.

"Impressive, how old are you little girl?" he asked me.

"5," I replied smugly as we shook each other's hands. He looked so annoyed with himself after that answer.

"Well then, Shikarei Nara, I look forward to a day when we can battle once again," he nods to me before turning and leaving the arena with medical ninja close to his side.

I jumped out the arena and watched the grass ninja battle it out for who will come third. The older one seemed to lose so then I was fighting the younger one for first or second place.

"What a drag," I mumbled to myself, dropping to the floor again, "I'm starting to get tired."

"Well then this'll be easy then, won't it?" the grass ninja smirked at me before lunging forward.

"He's fast," I muttered, admiring the guys incredible speed but managed to figure out where he was going to attack me from. Left, back, 2 o'clock. I grabbed the foot that came flying my way and spun him around just like I had to the previous guy but this time when I let go, he pulled out the umbrella.

"It's the poison guy!" I exclaimed to myself excited, "time to get serious."

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