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Three days later_

Sasuke's PoV

I sighed as I leaned back from the table I was eating at.

"Guess she's decided not to let me in," I muttered as I went to pay for my food.

"Excuse me," a voice called, I looked up and found myself staring in surprise, "mind if we sit with you?"

"Uncle Sasuke! Hello!"

"Miss Shikarei..." I panicked slightly, not expecting to see her, "Himari..."

"Miss?" Shikarei visibly cringed, "just Shikarei is good enough. Jeez--"

"Oh. Right, yeah," I nodded, looking down as a small smile spread across my face, Himari slid onto the bench beside me while Shikarei sat down across from me.

"I'd heard you'd died when I was being treated but then you were suddenly alive again," I looked up, "I'm glad. I don't want to disappoint my brother."

"My death would cause you to disappoint Itachi?" she gave me a questioning gaze, "and how the heck would that happen?"

"I just made him a promise," I replied before looking to Himari who was pulling on the sleeve of my cloak.

"Hey, Uncle Sasuke, are you coming back home?" Himari asked me.

"Home?" I repeated.

"With Ma and me," she grinned.

"With... You and... Shikarei..?" I looked up to the black-haired Nara across the table who was ordering something to eat.

"You always have a place with us," Shikarei said, turning her attention from the server and back to me, "I also made a promise to your brother and although I didn't manage to tell you the truth thanks to... a crap ton of blocks in the way, I will watch over you and if you ever need it, you will have a roof, bed and food with me and Himari."

"You're part of our family!" Himari exclaimed, grinning from ear to ear as she did.


My eyes stung as I quickly pulled the collar of my cloak up over my face.


It's been so long... since I had a family.

"Hey," Shikarei called out, I dropped my cloak slightly to look at her just to feel my forehead being poked, I placed my hand where she'd just poked me and watched as she smiled, "You're not alone, Sasuke, you never have been. You just didn't ever notice it until now."

She... Itachi, I can see why you chose to stay with her, even now. Even after you've died, you're still watching out for her.

"Thank you," I smiled at her, "thank you so much, Shikarei."

I glanced down to Himari, noticing her stare and picked her up, placing her on my knee.

"And thank you too, Himari," I focused my attention on her and ruffled her hair.

Glancing up, I see Shikarei just smiling at us as she watched.

"What?" I shot her a confused look.

"Nothing," she shook her head, "I'm just happy to see you finally getting the happiness that you deserve."

"Me too," I looked down at Himari as she poked my cheeks.

"You look like daddy, Uncle Sasuke," she grinned, "you must be strong like him too, right? One day I want to be just as strong as him so I can protect Ma and you too!"

"I'm sure you'll do great, Hima," I patted her head, "but it's our job to protect you."

"He's right," Shikarei nodded as Himari turned to her for confirmation.

"Not when I'm older," Himari huffed, looking away with a small pout.

A few hours later_

"Thank you for meeting me," I bowed my head to Shikarei who was now carrying a passed-out Himari in her arms, "I was getting worried you'd decide not to."

"Well... actually, I gave Himari the decision," she told me awkwardly, "I didn't really know what to do so I asked Himari if she wanted to see you, she said yes so we came here. Well, we came here today because Shikamaru wouldn't let me out of the village without Tsunade checking me over half a million times."

"Lady Tsunade is back in the village?" I asked. She shook her head.

"It was only two days ago," she said, "she heard about our conditions and came back to not only scold us, but try and help us too but... nothing, I guess."

She turned and began walking away, looking over her shoulder, she smiled at me.

"If you ever need anything," she started, "don't hesitate to lean on me, 'kay?"

"Alright," I nodded, "thank you."

I waved as I watched her leave the village and begin heading back to Konoha.

"Hey, Sasuke, one last thing before I go," Itachi's voice filled my ears, "watch out for my daughter and Shikarei, please? They're your family now too and I want them to both live long, happy lives, even if I'm not there to do it with them."

I nodded.

"I think you'll really like them," he said, "Shikarei is so beautiful, intelligent and strong and I'm sure that Himari will end up being the same. Protect them until you can't anymore. I'm counting on you."

You were right, big brother, I really do like them both.

Even if you didn't tell me to protect them, I would've done it anyway...

She is my niece after all.

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