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3rd Person PoV

"My, my, our dear Shikarei and her team are so troublesome," Coco-Hâta sighed, shaking her head and shrugging, using her hands to add a bit more emphasis in the gesture.

"This is ridiculous," Tomoe crossed his arms, "sure, our remaining chakra and life force is running out, but must we give it to such reckless children?"

"They aren't children anymore, Tomoe, and besides, Shikarei has a daughter to live for, remember?" Mikana jabbed him in the side with her elbow.

"Stop talking," Karia shot them all a glare as Hayate simply just stood by her side, awkwardly watching the situation unfold.

"Anyway," he spoke up, "Shikarei, Choro, Inoiché, and Ren won't survive the fall back to the earth if we don't use our combined chakra to protect them."

"Yes. But it will put them in a state of sleep for who knows how long once they land," Mikana reminded, "sure, we're protecting them, but they may not be found and our chakra will only keep them alive for a month, if they're not found within that time then they're surely to die out there then it will be all for naught."

"That's their problem, isn't it?" Tomoe huffed, "I don't understand why you're thinking about such things. If they sleep for a month or even a year, it's not our fault. They better just be grateful that we're even protecting their dumbasses from death in the first place. I mean—we're all going to die without seeing our family one last time."

"We are the ones who accepted this mission from Lord Third in the first place, we can't go complaining now. It's not team Ino Shika Ren Cho's fault," Coco-Hâta smiled, "now... we should probably start compressing our chakra now. Ren is starting to descend in the land of lightning."

"Then you know what to do," Karia nodded as they all joined hands in a circle and sat on the floor, "this one last time, we will help you, Shikarei. But after this, there will be no longer any more help that we can give you."

In the land of lightning_

"What do you mean that there is a ball of glowing pink flames falling from the sky?" A, the Raikage, leapt from his seat, slightly startled by the report that he'd just received from one of the ninja from the lookout posts, "that is impossible. Are we under attack? Omoi, Darui, go and investigate this matter immediately."

"Yes, Lord Raikage," the two bowed before leaving the building and walking in the direction that the report had spoken of this ball of glowing pink flames to have been falling from.

"What if it's an alien?" Omoi began his nervous rambling as the two began, "what if it's a weapon sent by god to destroy us after we destroyed so much of his land? What if it's another war? What if we--"

"Omoi," Darui shot the younger boy an irritated look and he quickly silenced himself, popping a lollypop into his mouth in attempts to calm himself. Suddenly a blinding pink light surrounded the area, they looked up and stared with jaws dropped open at what they saw.

It was a large mass of flames that was encased in some kind of pinkish orb and within it was what seemed to be a person and not just any person. A person who was thought to have died three weeks ago during the war with Madara and Obito.

"Hurry up!" Darui shouted before the two of them ran up the cliff as a loud crash reverberated around the area and shook the ground. Once up they saw the body of none other than Ren Haruno, battered and bruised and surrounded by a circle of flames.

"G-g-ghost!" Omoi stuttered out as the lollypop in his mouth fell out, shattering on impact with the stone floor beneath them. Darui just shook his head at the tan boys reaction and ran through the flames, quickly kneeling down beside the pink haired boy and checking for a pulse. When he felt the slow beating, he let out a sigh of relief.

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