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Tsunade was labelled Hokage and Shikamaru became a chunin over the next week and now I'm here, Ino Shika Cho, the whole team, and my brothers team plus Asuma.

"Team Ino Shika Cho and Team 10," Tsunade addressed us all, "You're going to be travelling to the hidden snow to escort a very important ally to our village. Do not fail. Shikarei, you're captain."

A brown folder was passed to me. I sighed and took it, flicking through the pages super quick before looking to Inoiché.

We grinned.

"I don't know why I'm the captain of this team so let's just pretend Inoiché is captain until we get stuck in a hole," I announced before we turned on our heels and walked out of the room, "deal?"

"Deal," Inoiché nodded, "Alright everyone, meet at the gates in 10 minutes. Pack necessities we'll be gone for a while."

"Question," Choji jumped forward, we all looked to the boy, "should Shikarei be coming? I mean in no disrespect but you're pregnant, isn't that pretty dangerous?"

"That's... A good point," Ino nodded.

"We had Tsume Inuzuka as our sensei," I pointed out, "plus if someone tries to hurt me, I'd like to see them try. I won't hesitate to box them."

"Aish~ I'm glad that Shikarei master of the shadows is on our side," Choro laughed a little, "see you in 10, come on Choji."

"Right," Choji nodded and both the Akimichis took off down one road while the rest of us continued talking before we all split off.

"You're quiet," I told Shikamaru, he just hummed.

"I'm just wondering whether we should leave you here," he replied, "I know you're strong and you can defend yourself and that you're only a month and a few weeks into your pregnancy but... Its unsettling."

I patted his head as I grabbed my already packed travel bag from a cupboard in our house and then passed Shikamaru his.

"Don't worry about me," I told him, "even if I run out of chakra, I have my ways to survive."

Yeah. Time.

He hummed again before sighing and nodding.

We walked past the graveyard. I stopped.

"One minute," I entered the area and walked to the Uchiha section.

Yashira Uchiha.

The head ninja of division one during the third shinobi war.

On the same headstone were two other names.

Mashiro Uchiha and Cane Uchiha.

Her husband and son.

"It's been a while, Yashira," I spoke to the grave as I lit some incense, "I'm still alive, as you can see. Weird considering everything I've been through, a war, a curse, an attack. And now I'm pregnant, but I'm not going to stop fighting. I'm a ninja, I have to fight, it's all I really know..."

My shoulder grew a sudden weight, I looked to see nothing was there, but I felt like something was.

"Anyway, I'll ask of this once, please watch over me today. I feel something bad is going to happen," I mumbled, "see you later."

I stood up and walked around the stones and to Shisui.

"Morning, Shisui," I lit an incense for him too, "Ita and I are having a kid, it's weird, you used to always poke fun that he and I would end up together. I mean, we're not together but we are connected somehow now. But I don't know if I'll be a good mother. I'll never just stop being a ninja for anything. I love my job. It's my life, I guess this kid will have to realise that people like me aren't going to be around enough to bond with, huh? You'd be disappointed, you'd tell me to stick around and try being with him or her. I can see your expression and I don't like it."

I imagined a disappointed Shisui before sighing and shaking my head.

"I'll see you around, Shi," I stood and walked to Shikamaru who was stood waiting at the entrance, "let's go."

"Who did you see?" he asked as we saw the gates come into view.

"Just some old friends of mine," I replied, "Uchiha. They were killed that night. Not by Itachi, by someone else."

"Who?" he asked.

"Shisui was half suicide half forced by someone in this village. I'm suspecting a high official who didn't like his mangekyo power. And Yashira was killed during the day by anbu I didn't recognise. They said it was an assassination, but I say otherwise. The people under those masks looked uncomfortable in clothes that clearly weren't theirs. They were from our village," I told him, "but I'm keeping my nose out of it and you should too, there are eyes everywhere and just thinking that information can get a person killed."

"Why would you think it then?" he asked.

"Because they were some of my closest friends, I'll never forgive the absence they left," I replied as we joined the others.

"Something just happened," Choro pointed out, "you guys are so serious."

"Sorry," I smiled, "we just stopped by the graveyard so I could say goodbye to Shisui and Yashira."

My team and Asuma's faces all dropped as they remembered them.

"You told Shikamaru about what we all knew?" Inoiché asked, I nodded, and they all frowned, "that's risky."

"We're Nara," I reminded them, "don't underestimate us. We won't go down easily. Now, the mission. Inoiché."

"Right, let's get moving," Inoiché announced, we all nodded and started running in the direction we were to go.

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