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This... is a disaster...

Everyone was in silence, staring at Mifune in surprise. I was so annoyed I accidentally let my chakra slip and expand further than the room we were in.

Wait-- who is that?

There's four-- no five chakras that I don't recognise as samurai... who're they? One of them has strong chakra, it kind of reminds me of Itachi... well, they all have been cursed, I know that for sure, well except two of them.

I should keep an eye on that. It may just be more guards just waiting for their kage to arrive. But that doesn't make sense, it's supposed to be relaxed security... if they had more guards they should've been left at the small hunting town where we left Kankuro, Inoiché and Choro.


"What? Let the Hokage lead the allied shinobi forced?" A asked.

"With all of your approvals, I will gladly and humbly accept this position," Danzo said 'respectfully'. I frowned and glared daggers in Gaara's back, hoping he'd get the picture that I, a member of the leaf, do not support this. I suppose when Tsunade wakes up, she'd be able to take over, but then she'd just complain about the new responsibilities she has to take up and all the paperwork she has to do. Poor Shizune would have her hands full.

"Why the Hokage?" A asked, yeah, why the Hokage, "this man is also known as the shinobi of darkness."

You can say that again. Even I am more qualified to lead the forces and I'm not even a kage.

I think Gaara would be a good leader, he's level-headed, calm at all times, he looks at multiple viewpoints before rationally making a decision, but then again we've got the big issue of experience in the way. Gaara is young, only 16 years old, his rate of experience compared to everyone else's is like comparing an ant to a dog. It's it immeasurably smaller. But then again, I also think that A would be a good fit because I have a feeling that when he puts his mind to something this important, he will be rational and think clearly. Onoki is too old, sure he's had even more battle experience that I have being a part of the second and third great war but he's just too old for such a responsibility and I think Mei may still be a bit self-conscious about her villages past so she may not be able to keep as much of a level head as she wishes.

"We cannot let him take charge!" A shouted. I agree! Take all my money, I will stand by you because hell no am I going to stand by Danzo.

"Then who else?" Mifune asked.

"My village has not produced even one single member of the Akatsuki. Such a crucial role must be filled by the most trustworthy," A replied, well you're not that trustworthy, "it ought to be me!"

"I cannot agree to that," Mifune told him.

"What did you say?!" A shouted.

I think you're proving his unspoken point of... your anger. You are easy to rile up.

Mifune pointed to the table where the giant hole was.

"I am well aware that a certain amount of intensity and strength is necessary to assemble and lead a force of powerhouses such as these," Mifune started, "but someone such as yourself who's acts are ruled by their emotions would probably end up splintering the allied force just like you did the table."

We just got compared to a table.

I don't know how I feel about that...

"I am just simply stating my unbiased opinion as a neutral party in these discussions, Lord Raikage," Mifune concluded, "Lord Kazekage is still too young to spearhead such a venture, he does not have much a pull with other nations and his title of Kazekage alone will not be sufficient."

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