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"Tsume sensei!" we all greeted our sensei with large smiles.

"You brats! It's good to see you all alive and well," Tsume sensei dragged me, Inoiché, Choro and Ren into suffocating hugs that left us in slight pain, "when you pulled that light show stunt, I wanted to hit you all for being so reckless so here-"

We all got a swift hit to the head.

"-you're all so incredibly reckless! Have you learnt nothing when I was your sensei?" she scolded us.

"But I distinctly remember always being pushed into life threatening situations thanks to you Tsume sensei," Inoiché said.

"Mhm, me too," Choro nodded.

"I remember you were bored with doing the D ranked missions when we were genin and argued with Lord Minato until he finally gave us a B ranked one," Ren rolled his eyes at our sensei.

"Oh, and don't forget that one-time Tsume sensei lead us into that old temple filled with those irritating traps," I added on.

"And that ninja cat castle," Choro hummed.

"That Shikarei was lucky enough to not have to enter," Inoiché shuddered.

"Mother, you really seem to be a terrible sensei," Kiba glanced to Tsume sensei with a judging gaze.

"Watch your mouth, Kiba," Tsume sensei shot him a glare back at the younger boy.

"We've been in more trouble than not with Tsume sensei as our sensei," I sighed, "but we always get ourselves in trouble too. Maybe we're just trouble magnets."

"Yeah..." the guys sighed.

A couple days later_

"Shikarei? Are you finished lounging around?" Ren asked as he stood in front of me, hands on hips and an irritated look on his face, "I swear, ever since we came back to Konoha all you've done is eat, sleep, move to the tree, read a book, nap under the tree with and without Himari or beat Shikamaru at shogi. You're so lazy, woman."

"I am a Nara," I reminded him as I flipped the page of my book.

"Stop using your clan as an excuse," Ren shouted, pulling the book out my hands and then dragging me to my feet, "come on. We're going out."

"I don't wanna," I whined as he tossed my book onto the side and pulled me through the house, "let me go..~"

"No way," he shook his head as we exited the house just to be stopped by one of the ninja who're based in the messenger bird post place, he waved a scroll in front of my face.

"Message for you, Shikarei Nara," he informed me before passing me the scroll and then waving, leaving me to stare at it in confusion.

"Wow. It's rare that you get messages that aren't people asking for you to do missions," Ren hummed, "who is it from?"

"Don't know. Don't recognise the writing... Or seal... I guess I've been saved from whatever you had planned. I'm going to read this, see you later," I waved to Ren and turned back into the house, sitting down at the dining room table.

Breaking the seal, I opened the letter to see surprisingly neat handwriting (although still a tad messy), but I really didn't recognise it.

'Shikarei Nara,

I am writing today in hopes that I could get you and my niece, Himari, to meet me in a village a day's journey north from the hidden leaf.

Naturally, I'd understand if you wouldn't want me in Himari's life, I haven't exactly led the best life I possibly could've... I was blinded by my rage for the loss of my clan. But now I know that it wasn't the right way to deal with things.

I want to meet you... properly, w̶i̶t̶h̶o̶u̶t̶ ̶w̶a̶n̶t̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶k̶i̶l̶l̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶ ̶a̶n̶d̶ ̶e̶v̶e̶r̶y̶o̶n̶e̶ ̶w̶i̶t̶h̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶ , get along with you and be part of my nieces life. My brother loved you both a lot and I want to help you teach Himari how to control her sharingan (I heard from Shikamaru that she awoke it young), something I know my brother would want me to do because he can't. Don't mistake it as me wanting to replace, Itachi, I'd never want to!

Anyway, if you decide to meet me, I'll be in this village for three more days. I'll understand if you don't decide to come meet me.

- Sasuke Uchiha'

Oh, that's why I didn't recognise the handwriting. It's Sasuke's?

"Hm..." I leaned back into my seat and stared at the scroll laid out on the table, crossing my arms, and humming in thought.

Should I?

I mean-- people have been saying that Sasuke has taken a turn for the better lately, but he still has that dark past. He killed a village elder too... Even if he deserved it.

Then again... He is Itachi's brother. Actually, I'll let Himari decide when she gets home from the academy today. Depending on her answer depends on the future.


"We're home~" Himari announced as she walked in with Ma by her side.

"Welcome home," I smiled as Ma went to the kitchen to start dinner and Himari ran over to me, throwing herself at me, "how was your day?"

"Uncle Inoiché taught us how to work out the trajectory of shruiken today," Himari told me, "it was so easy, I got it first time. Though, everyone else seemed to really struggle with it. Is it really that hard? People are saying I'm really smart."

"You are smart that's why, Himari," I smiled before letting out a small hum, "Hey, Himari, if you got the chance to meet Uncle Sasuke, would you want to go?"

"Uncle Sasuke? Yes!" she beamed, "can we go see Uncle Sasuke? Can we? Can we, Ma, please~?"

I gave her a surprised look before smiling.

"Alright. Then we'll visit him," I told her.


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