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One and a half years later_

"You want me to what?" I looked at Shikamaru confused.

"Become one of the proctors for the chunin exams," Shika replied, "come on you did it last time."

"Last time I was hunting down Kabuto and Orochimaru," I reminded him, "last time I didn't have a baby."

"Last time you were pregnant," he grumbled.

"Shikamaru Nara, you need to do this yourself, you can do it," I hit his head lightly before passing him Himari and grabbing the blankets off the floor and threw them into the washing pile.

"Come on," he whined, "you'll get to see Temari again."

"How'd you know I know Tema?" I asked. He smiled.

"We're friends," he told me, "she said she's still waiting for that offer to train with Ino Shika Ren Cho."

"I totally forgot about that," I laughed a little, "when she's next in town I'll get everyone together."

"She's in town right now."

"Go get her, meet at Team 10's training ground, I'll meet you guys there," I told him before picking Himari up and going on a search for Asuma and/or Kurenai.

"Babysitting?" Kurenai appeared out of nowhere with Asuma in tow.

"Please?" I smiled, she grinned and cheered before taking Himari.

"Come get her never!" she smiled before walking away.

"Come get her at 5," Asuma corrected.

"You have a date," I teased, he blushed and looked away.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Sure, you don't."


"Shikarei!" Temari jumped at me.

"You're so tall!" Inoiché gasped dramatically.

"Yeah, the last time we saw you... You were about... This tall?" Ren gestured to around his waist.

"Good to see you again, Tema," I smiled at her as she let me go.

"Finally, a training session with you guys," she grinned, "I've waited too long."

"We forgot," Choro looked away ashamed.

"Yeah," I nodded, "We'll have to take it slow though, Choro is still recovering from being a dumb idiot."

"I understand," she nodded before a kunai came flying at me.

Infusing chakra into my fingers I caught the kunai between my middle and index finger.

"Too slow," I shook my head.

"No missions for a just under two years but she's still as quick as ever," Inoiché sighed as Ren placed a hand on his forehead and healed a cut.

"Seriously still don't understand how you keep doing that," Ren shook his head before looking to me and smiling, "shall we begin?"

"Oh yeah," Choro cheered.

"You joining Shikamaru?" Temari looked to Shika who was relaxing under a tree.

"No thanks, seems like too much effort," he replied.

"Naras..." she shook her head, "get up you lazy ass!"

She grabbed his ear and dragged him up to his feet.

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