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"Multi shadow monster jutsu!" I shouted.

The monsters grew out the shadows of the arena and started running forward.

That's it.

The last of my chakra.

I sprinted forward with my monsters, we attacked in synchronisation, sending relentless attacks at my opponent.

He was a leaf shinobi. But he was definitely in late teens, early 20's.

"What the hell are these freaky things?" he hissed, before spotting me and sending a kick in my direction. I was hit in my stomach, the forced threw me back into the wall of the arena. The cement behind me cracked from the impact as I just slid down to the ground again. My shadow monsters looked between me and the opponent before attempting to fight him again, but one by one they melted back into the shadows leaving me open for attack.

"You deserve the title of master of the shadows," the guy nodded. I smiled weakly and raised a shaky arm.

"I-I cannot go on anymore," I announced.

"Winner, Fo Uchiha, loser, Shikarei Nara," the proctor announced as the Fo guy approached me and helped me up.

"Your sharingan..." I muttered.

"If you're wondering, I did use it. You were quite the formidable opponent," he nodded to me as he passed me over to the medical ninja.

"As were you," I nodded before being carried away on a stretcher.

I was taken straight to the hospital where they started tending to my wounds. It wasn't long before I was just sat alone in the room, staring out the window. Then the door opened and in came Itachi.

"You fought well," he stated, sitting on the end of my bed.

"He used the sharingan against me, I didn't even notice. If I did then I could've countered it, I just never looked in his eyes," I sighed to myself. Itachi chuckled.

"He only used the sharingan when you weren't looking at him," he told me as the door opened again. In came Inoiché, Ren and Choro. They grabbed stools and sat along the side of the bed.

"That was pretty impressive," Choro commented.

"Yeah, next year I'm positive that you'll pass," Ren nodded.

"Or at least you'll come out less battered," Inoiché poked my side and sighed, "you really did hold your ground well though. Against a sharingan user as well. I'm impressed, but then again you are on Team Ita-Rei. You should know the sharingan in and out."

"Well, I don't," I huffed and pouted, Itachi just poked my forehead with two fingers.

"Stop pouting, next year you'll get it," he told me 'wisely'.


"I believe I have beat you four games in a row now," I announced. I got home about 3 hours ago; Pa and I have been playing shogi for 2 hours now. Shikamaru just sleeping in my lap as we played.

"I haven't beat you once! Like ever! It's frustrating me," Pa grumbled, I laughed a little and sighed.

"Sorry, Pa, your strategy is just too easy to shut down," I poked at him, "anyway I'll go put Shikamaru to bed and then go to sleep myself. Night Pa."

"Night, Princess," he replied as I picked Shikamaru up and started walking, "and Shikarei-"

I stopped, not turning but waiting for what he would say.

"Well done for today. I'm very proud, you did well," he told me. I let out a sharp breath before continuing down the hallway to Shikamaru's bedroom.

I placed him in his crib, and he woke up, looking at me with his big brown eyes of curiosity as I looked down, I gave him a small smile before turning and leaving, going to my own room and flopping onto my bed.

I'm not bothered about today.

It's just an exam.

A rank.

Who cares?

Everyone keeps looking at me like I'll cry about loosing.

It's annoying me.

I don't care!



Maybe I do care deep down somewhere.

I didn't lose.

I forfeited.

It's two different things.

I'm annoyed with myself.

If that was a real fight.

If I did that during the war.

I'd be dead.

Dead faster than you can say cloud.

I'm not sad. I'm annoyed. I'm disappointed. I failed. I failed Tsume sensei.

So next year. Next year I'll do it! I'll pass that stupid exam and make Tsume sensei proud!

That Nara... | Naruto FanficitonDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora