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"That's ridiculous," I glared up at the masked man, "how the hell can you make millions-- no, billions of people all pull together to make one? It's not possible unless you had the ability to--"

Oh, my shinobi gods...

"You aren't!" I suddenly realised; he's gathering all the tailed beasts that can only mean one thing.

"Seems you've realised, you Nara are truly impressive," Madara nodded to me.

"What are you talking about, Shikarei?" Temari asked.

"He's gathering all the tailed beasts together to create the ultimate destructive weapon: the ten tailed beast," I replied grimly, "why didn't I see it before? It was so obvious. It might as well have been on a big flashing sign everywhere I looked. If only I'd figured it out then all those people who'd died won't have had to."

"It's not your fault," Gaara said, "no one figured it out. Don't beat yourself up."

"I'm a Nara, we take pride in our amazing ability to nap and our intelligence. I feel like I've insulted said intelligence by only just realising," I bit the inside of my cheek in frustration, "oh well. Nothing I can do about it now except keep Naruto away from you, I suppose. So troublesome."

"Will you allow me to explain in better detail, Shikarei Nara, master of the shadows?" Madara asked.

"Be my guest," I nodded, still extremely irritated. I feel like my pride has been stomped on unceremoniously a lot today. First I have to abandon my pride as a leaf nin and pretend to be a sand nin just to get into a meeting, I managed to let Danzo run away, Sasuke has wreaked havoc, my intelligence as a Nara has been tested and to top it all off, I really want a nap right now, so this is just a total drag.

"There's an ancient stone tablet passed down in the Uchiha clan. It's in a secret room beneath the hidden leaf. Upon it are secrets that were engraved on it by the sage of the six paths himself," Madara began his explanation, "they cannot be read without visual powers. With the sharingan, mangekyo sharingan and the rinnegan each, more and more knowledge is progressively revealed to those reading it."

"Your story is becoming more and more unbelievable," Onoki replied, "the sage of the six paths is a myth."

"All myths are based off true happenings, Lord Tsuchikage," I quickly said, "in face, I'm certain those things occurred, if we looked, we'd probably find things related to back then."

"Just as Shikarei Nara said, it's the truth, the Sage of Six Paths indeed did exist," Madara agreed with my words, I don't like that, don't agree with me, "and he did leave that stone tablet behind."

"Don't change the subject," A grunted as he jumped down onto the table just a bit further from where I was sitting, "and what exactly does this Sage of Six Paths have to do with your plan anyway?"

"Do any of you, excluding of course Shikarei Nara who seems to know a lot more than she lets on, know why he became a legendary figure?" Madara asked, the ten tailed beast history, "one who became revered as a god amongst the shinobi world. I'll explain the link between that man and my purposes."

"Madara Uchiha, you possess the mangekyo sharingan, and your fellow akatsuki member possessed the rinnegan," Mei commented, what's this got anything to do with it, yes, Nagato had the rinnegan, he made that very clear when he put a giant ass hole in the village, "do you know all of the tablets secrets?"

"If you do, then let's hear them," Onoki dropped down in the space between me and Lord A.

Oh yay, history lesson 101: the history of the tailed beasts is probably coming up soon. I read the books, the scrolls and I've spoken with the Third and Fourth Hokage about it during my bored days of lazing around, do I really have to listen to it again because the current leaders of the other villages are ignorant and didn't bother learning about the past? Darn.

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