Chapter 52

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"WHY DID YOU PULL ME INTO THE WATER!!!!" I cried as I pushed the water away from my eyes. "Cuz it was fun! Come on! I'm gonna try something!" he said and swam to the middle of the pool. I shook my head and fought with my mind to not give away a smile.

"I'm gonna swim from here to there!!" he said, loud enough for me to hear, pointing from where he was to the side of the pool. "One, two, THREE!!" he said like a little kid, and could hear the familiar zaps of him using his speed.

Five seconds passed. Still no sign of him.
Two more second passed. And still I couldn't see him.

"Leo?" I called out, worried. No reply. "LEO!" I said this time louder. "Where did he-" and then I felt a pull from under the water. With a yelp of surprise, which was sadly echoing only in my head, I opened my eyes to find Leo looking at me. I lost my breath, and that's not just because of being underwater.

The surroundings blurred away, and all that was remaining around me was electrically sparking magic. He reached out his hand and I felt it touch my cheek. And all that went away, and what was left was me against the side of the pool, taking breaths to compensate for the ones I had lost under the surface. When I finally fulfilled that, I looked up into the blue eyes of the boy in front of me. "Why'd you do that for!!" I said, exasperated, remembering the real reason I had come to this side of the pool. "Cuz that was the only way I could think to get you come to me." he said, and with his eyes looking straight into mine, he pulled me by my neck and kissed me.

It was nothing intense, just a sweet gesture. When we pulled away, I spoke again. "I'm still angry that you disappeared." I pouted. He just smiled at me. "You know you can't get enough of it." he said. I looked down, feeling the red in my cheeks. "That's true." I said, and he tipped my chin up and kissed me again.

2 days later

"Back to school then?" asked Greg, stretching as he flopped on the couch, an hour after reaching NY. "Yup. And we also need to find Black Fox's hide out." said Nate. The truth came up on us and trust me, not softly. "We need to ambush it, don't we?" I said softly. "Yeah." said Greg. "Anyway, let's relax for now. It's 7pm. Anyone wanna have a ping pong battle?" asked Leo, trying to lighten the mood.

"Let's go!" the three of us said together.

That night, as I sat in the dark, looking at my hologram projector through which I was going through a map of the city. "Lexi, can you try locating the tracker?" I said, rubbing my head. "Searching.....Searching.....Searching.....Match found." said the female voice, which made me sit up. "What?" I asked, slowly. "Match found." repeated Lexi. "B-but that's not possible. It was destroyed!" I said, and immediately flew straight into my chair to face my computer.

Activating the tracker, I indeed saw the familiar red light blinking, and it seemed to be going in circles. "It's not possible..." was the last thing I said before drifting to sleep.

I was floating, palm flat on my stomach, facing the ceiling. In the far distance, I could hear a voice, more like a whisper, but still, I could hear it. "We can't tell her yet! Leo honey, Kiara needs to enjoy her childhood!" It was the voice of a female, soft but stern at the same time.
And then, another voice grew louder; a male's voice. "Jane! She needs to know!! I understand what you mean sweetheart, but Kiara deserves to know about her powers!" this voice was more familiar since it was louder. It was.....

"Mom? Dad?" 

The scene dissolved in an instant, as I realized that it was my parents who were the ones speaking. It was more of a memory, than a vision. Then I felt a hand on my shoulder, causing me to turn back. Then, like the day when I first got my powers, my parents were standing behind me, smiling. "Look at you." mom said softly. I smiled at them. "Hi mom. Hi dad." I said and hugged them tight. "It's been a while honey...You're doing amazing." said mom. "How are you still able to, like, get in my head??" I asked. "Because we're a part of you. We are attached to you. Like how you youngsters say: stuck like glue!" said dad dramatically.

A wind blew by; it was the one marking that my parents were going to disappear again. "You have to go again...don't you?" I asked sadly. "Sweetie, we're a part of you, remember? But, yes, we'll have to go away for now. But that's not why we're here today." mom said, touching my cheek. "Trust who your heart wants to." was the last thing they said together as we floated apart from each other, but I didn't wake up.

"Wha-!" I was pulled into another void. Images of dark places flashed in all directions, confusing me. But four images remained constant.

A dark alley...A stormy night...A dark shadow looking over the city....and lastly, the image of a fire dying....

And that fire was me...

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