Chapter 7

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*Nate's point of view*

*next day*

I woke up with light flooding all over my face. Where am I? Where're Greg and Kiara? Memories of last night flooded my head. After we saw her collapse, me and my brother felt a stinging pain in our neck while we were trying to get to her. I touched the spot where the sting was and felt lightheaded. I got up and looked around and realized that I was in HQ. For some reason, everything looked clearer and more detailed than I had ever seen. Even my ears seemed to hear noises which weren't even next to me. I've gotta find Greg. I heard a knock. "Greg? Is that you?" I asked, hoping it was him. "It sure is, brother." I turned and looked at my brother, relieved to see that he was alright. "Where's Kiara?" I asked, then drank a bit of water from the bottle he had just given me. "She hasn't woken up yet. We believe that she was the one who was affected the most by the substance injected into our system last night." he said. "Injected? What about you?"

"Less talking more walking. I need your help to run some scans and tests. Leo's on his way here. Apparently, he was injected yesterday too." he said. "But..? Lemme guess, he didnt tell Chief?" I said, stating the obvious. "Nope. He'll be here any minute. Then we all, including Kiara, shift to our apartment." he said when we started walking towards where Kiara was still unconscious. "Wait, why is your hair having red stripes? And well even your eyes are red in color" I asked him. "That happened when we were injected. You've got green ones though." he said, pointing at my head. Wait what? I turned to the mirror in her room and he was right. "It kinda looks cool, dont you think?" I asked him. "It does. Now come on. Chief said that he has to talk to us."

Me n my brother went together to the conference room and see Chief and Dr. Cullen talking to each other. "Good morning Nate. How are you feeling?" he asked as I sat down next to Greg. "Good morning Chief. I'm feeling great." I replied with a smile. "Good. Now all we have to do is wait for Leo. Greg, have you checked on Kiara?" my brother said. "I have, Sir. I have taken a sample of our blood for Dr. Cullen. We just need Leo's"

"IM HERE!" And sure enough, we look at the door to see Leo, a boy slightly older than Kiara, hair with blue and silver stripes. "Oh my god, Kiara and Leo would be perfect for each other." I hear Greg say. "I know right!" I said. Everybody in the room turned to look at me. "You know what Nate?" Greg asked me. "But I thought you said - (I lean to whisper) I thought I hear you say that Kiara and Leo look perfect together!" I said. "I didnt say that! I thought that!" I nodded my head. But then we both realized. "Wait a minute! Do you think, we've got telepathy?" I asked softly. "Of course! The substance injected in us has given us a few unimaginable powers. I thought that i was just going crazy!" Greg said. "What do you mean?"

"When I woke up today, there was a large drawer in my way. I wanted to move it so I put my hand out but it moved before I touched it. As we're twins, we may be able to communicate through our minds." he said. "That's why our hair and eyes have changed colors and formed a similar pattern, haven't they?" I asked, thinking loudly. "Yep." Before we could speak any further, Dr. Cullen spoke. "Keep Kiara covered by the sheet ive kept in the room. It prevents extra energy from reacting with her, but doesn't block the air flow. Extra energy right in the beginning may be bad for her new environment. Like the three of you, I suspect that there may be some physical changes in her too, but that doesn't affect the result we need for now." he said, and after nodding at Chief, he went out of the room, suitcase in his hand. "You may go. Keep an eye on our tiger." Chief said, and we walked out. "Who's Kiara?" Leo asked us. "You'll know one day." me n Greg said at the same time. "Come on! Let's go.". When we reached the door where she was, just the two of us went in, but we didn't allow Leo in. Guess we're planning for more things in the future...

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