Chapter 39

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"Attention! Incoming call from Chief Harris!" said the siren, repeating itself 3 times. "WOAH! When did we have a siren warning!?!?" I heard Nate as he came down closing his ears. "Sorry about that. It was one of the only ways to let the warning be heard in every part of the house!" I shouted over the warning. Greg closed the curtains with a flick of his hand. The four us sat straight on the couch and the television turned on. "Well, I heard you'll be going to Australia next month." he said. "Uh, yes Chief. For Christmas." said Leo. "Well, I have no problem, but you to be careful." he said and we nodded. "How's the Black Fox case going?" he asked. "He's been attacking places. The last time he attacked us, well, I put a tracker on him, but guess he found out. I haven't been able to track it." I groaned. "Well then, how are your powers?" he questioned us. "We're having it under control, and we've been given the name of 'Furious Four'." I said and put my hands up to denote the quotes. "Well, that is good the-" however, he was interrupted. "Excuse me sir you have a call from Jeremy Ri-" I heard Derek from the back but Chief cut him off. "Ah yes I've been waiting. Continue your case, I will talk to you when I can." he said and cut the call so suddenly. "Is it just me or did that feel a little fishy?" asked Greg. "Yeah, no i felt that too..." I said. 

"Come on, we've got work to do, nope! I'm not talking about homework." I said and the four of us went to the basement. "It's time to do background checks on everyone we've met so far." I told them. "Let's begin." and broke to our different stations. "Who you doing?" I heard Leo whisper from the other side of the glass. "Jeremy. The new guy. He seems, i don't know, fishy?" I said. "You?" I asked him. "I just want to check Grace and Martin's for some reason." he said and we got back to our stations.

On our usual agency computer, I searched up for the profile of "Jeremy, Sunbrooke High" since I didn't know his full name. But something felt fishy. I remembered what Derek had told Chief: "Sir you have a call from Jeremy Ri-". My eyes widened as I read the full name of the Jeremy in our college. "Jeremy Richards?" I said, louder than I meant to. After doing some more research, I found out that Jeremy and Chief Harris had absolutely NO past history with each other. "Weird." I said to myself. I turned to look at the others, and saw them completely concentrated in their own work. "I'll tell them later." I said, and went to work on my homework for the coming week.


Knock knock.

I was wearing my earphones on the evening before the last day of school listening to some instrumental when I thought I heard a knock. I turned to the door, nothing happened, so i went back to reading. KNOCK KNOCK! 

This time it was louder which scared the hell out of me, making me shoot a non burning fireball, making the door open. There stood Leo, clearly not expecting the ball of fire. "Oops! Sorry!" I said, jumping out of my chair to open the door properly. "Sorry, it's actually my fault! The second time i knocked was a little too loud!" he laughed. "Oh! uh come in! What is it?" I asked nervously. For some reason, since that incident in school. HELL! From the moment I met him! CRAP STOP TALKING INNER CONSCIOUSNESS!!! But outside, i was as cool as a cucumber. "I was wondering if you wanted to come skateboarding for a while?" he asked, scratching his neck. My eyes widened. "It's 8 pm! Amaya could arrive any minute!" I said. Since our holidays were starting from the next day, she was gonna come today.

"Yeah! I know! But we'll be around here! There's like a skate park a few blocks from here. We can go there." he said. Then he made puppy eyes. He took one hand of mine. "Pleeeeease?" he asked like a kid who wants a bar of chocolate. "Oh my! FINE!!" I said. I mean, no one could resist his puppy eyes!! Grabbing my skateboard, we went out and walked to the park. It was dark, but there were still some people still skating. 

Over an hour later, people were slowly leaving, but the two of us were still going on. "So that's how you do it!" he said. Leo was trying to teach me a trick he had learnt one day, and I was not getting it all. "God- I!" he started laughing. "Will you STOP laughing!" I said exasperated. "Here, let me help!" he said and stood in front of me. "Ready? I'm going to help you! GO!" he said, helped me with pointing out my mistakes, which distracted me, and hence I fell. "UGH!" I exclaimed while Leo just laughed. "I'm sorry! Here!" he said and held out his hand. I decided to take revenge and slowly let some heat flow into my palms. I let him pull me up. "OW!" he shouted pulling his hand quickly after pulling me up. "WHAT THE HECK KC!!!" he continued and then blew air on his hand. This time, it was my turn to laugh. "Hah! You wanna play like that? You got it! But let's go undercover first!" he said, and without giving me time to realize it, jumped 10 feet back and threw a lash of water straight at me. But this time i was prepared, so I shot upwards, dodging the strip. After landing back on the ground, I looked up at him. He had changed to his suit. I smirked, "You're on!" and immediately, I too was transformed to my suit, and I could feel the electricity in my eyes, but not as intense as the first time. 

I threw a fire ball at him, which he escaped from with his speed. "Get ready to get dizzy!!" he shouted and started running around me. "Hey! Isn't that Aquaboy and Sparkles!? From the Furious Four!?!?" I heard someone, and then realized a crowd was forming around us. But I concentrated on Leo running around. "Ha!" I shouted as I set out a sparkle fire ball at one point, on which sadly, he tripped. "Crap!" he said and got up. "What about now buddy?" I asked raising an eyebrow. "Woah! What do you think they're doing? Do you think I can get an autograph!?!?"  I heard one person shout. "Nah, we're just playing around!" I shouted back. "Attention! Incoming voice message from Amaya!" I heard Lexi. "Read it out." I said back. "Heyyyy!!! Thank you for the address of your house. I know you told that you'll pick me up from the airport, but oh well, come out of your house!!" the message ended and I froze. "Uh, we have a problem!" I told Leo as he ran around. He stopped. "What?" he asked me. I pointed to the crowd of people. 

And we saw Amaya standing there, with her mouth open. 

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